A Brief History of Netball in Australia

Netball has come a long way from the beginning as basketball has in Canada. It has evolved over the years, initially as a type of sport suitable for women in England during the 1800s, to become the fast-paced sport played globally today. While it is still a predominantly female sport and is subject to non-contact, the inclusion of mixed and men’s netball, as well as an increased physical and level of sponsorhsip and funding, has seen it become more popular with the public and professionally played. innode

While English men preferred traditional sports like cricket, women were more eager to give basketball a try. However, with bottom-length dresses, button-down shoes and restrictive clothing, the game had to be adapted to suit them. The court was divided into thirds, there were more players on the court, and a smaller ball was used, the baskets were wet paper bags, and the referee’s duty was to retrieve the ball after each goal scored.

Shortly after these rules were made and applied, and it became known as netball. Masters from England taught the game and it soon became popular. Different regions had their own rules and types of games. There were governing boards in each country, and the match became just an interstate match in Australia. Australia’s first international match was against New Zealand, and the price was later decided but postponed because of the second Word War. The biggest event in netball history was when Australia traveled to England in the 1950s and hit hard. Shortly after, an international code of rules was attempted and in 1960 the first global netball federation was formed.

The first netball world championships were held in 1963 and have been held every four years since then. The country became the sports video games in 1998 in Kuala Lumpur, which Australia defeated New Zealand, continuing fiercely. a rivalry that is still present today.

Australian teams have competed in the Commonwealth Bank Trophy since 1997, with each team choosing a bird as their mascot to represent them, and changing their clothing into tight, colorful stripes. Teams from New New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and Queensland competed, with the addition of the Australian Capital Territory a few years later

Australia is currently competing against New Zealand in the Trans-Tasman competition, which has been labeled the best in the world. Many players from other countries, such as England and Jamaica, will meet to participate in this competition. International tournaments are common, and the lives of professional netballers are made easier because of the increased level of care. He is occasionally on international television, and often broadcasts games.

This encouraging sport has come a long way from the noisy and non-confrontational, to the most sophisticated and professional athletes of today. It continues to grow, and will undoubtedly be one of the most popular women’s sports in Australia for many years to come. (http://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/[email protected]/Lookup/4156.0.55.001Feature+Article3May% 202009)

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