A Comparison of Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel

Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel are two of the most famous composers. They were two of the most influential composers of their time and are still known today. These two composers have influenced the world of music in many ways. There are many similarities and differences between them. These two composers are certainly two of the most famous composers in the history of music.

George Frideric Handel was born in 1685 in Halle, Germany. His parents did not want him to be a composer, but because his musical talent was so developed in his early years, his parents agreed to let him study with another composer. When he was seventeen, he entered Halle law, but soon dropped out and moved to Hamburg, where he became he is a violinist and guitarist in the orchestra. He wrote an opera and when he was twenty it was successfully produced. When he was twenty-one he moved to Italy and wrote operas. This is eminently accomplished and well known. He soon moved to London, where he became very famous. The year of the queen Anne became a favorite, which paid her 200 a year. In 1719, Handel became the music director of the Royal Academy of Music, which was a trading company in London. The company soon collapsed, and Handel started with his forces. However, he had competition for work from another company, and because of this competition, both companies went out of business. He soon returned to London to recover from his losses in Germany. In 1741, Handel stopped writing operas altogether, concentrating instead on oratorios. He took a lot of heat to do this, but he became very successful. When he died in 1759, there were many mourners who followed his funeral. He was very happy, very spontaneous, and a great composer.

Handel wrote many works, the two most famous being Messiah and Joshua. Joshua is an oratorio, which, unlike most oratorios, is not written to be sung in church, but to be heard in public theaters. It is about the subject of the Old Testament about the history of Joshua, who led the Israelites to battle with Jericho. Messiah is Handel’s most famous work. There is a coin that lasts 2½ hours, but it was written in only twenty-four days. It is the story of the Messiah and his coming and consists of three parts. The first part consists in the announcement of the coming of the Messiah and the rejoicing that he is about to come. The second part is the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross to forgive all men of their sins. The third part signifies the faith that Christ is the Redeemer forever and ever. It was performed by a chorus of twenty singers and a small orchestra, consisting only of strings, with a few pipes and timpani used in certain movements. It has fifty movements that provide a variety of music to the audience. This is a very famous work, and must be played for posterity.

Johann Sebastian Bach, born in Isenach in 1685. He comes from a long line of musicians, with many musical relatives. Bach has been a trained musician since he was a child. Here he was first educated by his father and cousin, but when his parents Bach, with his eldest brother, was a musician. At fifteen he left his brother’s house and moved to another town, where he played the violin. and an organ to support himself in the school. At the age of eighteen, he became organist at a church not far outside his country. He left this church at twenty-three and married his cousin Barbara. In 1708 Bach became an organist in Weimar. He sat for nine years, but was passed over for promotion. Bach because he had openly harassed the leader of Weimar and was therefore thrown into prison for a month. Bach soon became the chief conductor of the court of Cothen. Here he had a large salary, and this was also the first time in his life that he was not involved with church or organ music. /a>. From 1717 to 1723, Bach continued to compose music for this orchestra. In 1720 his wife Barbara died, leaving Bach with four children. Thirty-six this time, another year. At the age of twenty-one he married a singer from Cothen. In 1723, Bach became music director of St. Thomas in Leipzig. Bach remained here for the rest of his life. This position did not bring the salary or fame that he had in Cothen, but it is believed that Bach stayed here to provide a good education for his children. In 1750, Bach died, almost blind. He led a life of controversy with an emphasis on music. He was not very well known at that time, but now he is recognized as one of the most powerful musicians in the world.

Bachus wrote many prestigious works in his time. The two most famous works were The Brandenburg Concertos and the Mass in B Minor. The Brandenburg consisted of six concerts. These works were written in honor of the Marquis of Brandenburg. Most works use a string orchestra and a group of flute, violin and string soloists. These became very famous and are still known today. The Mass in B Minor was originally written as an “audience” as a court composition for the Catholic monarch. It is very complicated, with certain orchestral accompaniments for voices and several arias, duets and choruses. It is a very long work, and divided into several orders. Both works are well-known and today they are performed all over the world.

Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel were two of the most famous composers when they lived and are still famous today. They lead very interesting lives with each other, which had many similarities and differences. Both have written works that are now published all over the world. Each has made significant contributions to the world of society and music. Both will live forever in memory and world series history as two of the most influential and greatest composers to ever live.

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