A Dialogue with Cinderella

Me: I see you there and I wonder if you can hear us? You always look so beautiful in a blue gown, so perfect. I wonder what you think about my family or me for that matter.

Cinderella: I listen to everything and I’m really happy to hear from you every day, especially you, because you spend the most time with me.

Me: What?

Cinderella: It’s just interesting to see things from a different point of view and hear other people’s thoughts, but mostly I enjoy sitting here at your kitchen window, watching your family and listening to so many different conversations. I wonder what new changes are coming today. It’s like working on my personal ass.

Me: So know that I also consider you too and I often wonder if it is such a fairy tale and if you have ever been a real person? I know it sounds silly you’re just a doll in my window.

Cinderella: How do you know I’m only a doll? What if I remind you of life, or what if I am what you want me to be?

Me: Do you have a doll or a figure whatever they call you, my daughter got you on her ornament”.

Cinderella: Of course that doesn’t mean I’m just a doll that if either of us were specially chosen to come to her house. Of course, that is the reason I am here.

Me: I can’t believe it, well, it sounds irrational.

Cinderella: Is talking to me rational now? Well, I can tell you one thing for sure, and I really mean it, when I say that I’m happy to be here, chilling and just sitting in the bakery waiting for the shop to be selected, that special decoration to put on a very special cake And to come home to a very special family.

Me: Why are you here and where were you before you joined our family?

Cinderella: I was the princess of the story for another special family, and I still am. I remember that I brought joy to many families who read my story, the poor footsteps, who took care of all the household chores and took everything from the dishonest footsteps… Until one day fairy Mother came to my aid and gave me the opportunity to meet the prince at the ball while I was at home at midnight… If you think about my story. it was not destined to be found, although the prince insisted that he would find it through the glass sock I had left… And he does.

Me: Yeah, yeah I know the story. I remember reading the books I have four daughters and we saw the movie, but I still don’t get two still a leader?

Cinderella: I will try to explain it, although I cannot be sure that I understand you. Maybe you want to. I never said it wasn’t a doll, I just asked how you know I’m sure it’s one. You are the one asking yourself, but try this anyway. You hear me talking now, often looking at me and making comments, asking questions and guess what I’m going to answer you. I usually smile and laugh. Sometimes it takes a little longer to answer. Help me with some forms to fill in for you. I know this because you often hold me and always put me gently as if I have done something special. I can say more that you don’t hold Little Mermaid every time you hold me. Fairy tales are made to hope and wonder at best. I know some people say that stories are fake, but everyone has them and that’s why people do what they do. Everyone finally wants a happy ending. That’s why I always remind you and your family here that we can come there. Sometimes it will be tough, but if you can do something, it will be yours if you try hard enough. As the prince found me. I say that I am still the prince, because I remind all of you to have a happy, successful outcome, and as long as I sit here every day, I am the prince.

Me: Wow the ear. I guess you’re not a doll, but my kind of beautiful godmother, just listening to me and inspiring me. Thanks for being there. I hope you will stay here. You will always have a royal seat at my window.

Cinderella: Well, madam I enjoy being here very much and it is so nice sometimes, I am always here and remember happy thoughts…. You know key to success and happiness. Do not fail. Oh, remember Little Mermaid, she needs some work too, just like all of us.

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