A Solution to Overpopulation

We are all floating in space, on this earth together. Today we do not have the resources or the means to colonize the moon or any other planet. We are, for the foreseeable future, stuck here. We have all these things.

Each of us needs a certain amount of things to survive. We need food, clean water, clean air, protection from the elements – to name a few. The Earth provides us with these resources, we consume them to stay alive and the Earth replenishes them. As long as we consume resources more slowly than the earth can produce them, our species can never run out of resources and live indefinitely. However, if we consume these resources faster than the earth can replenish them, then – obviously – we will reach a point where we will not all be able to do enough to survive.

The two things that determine whether or not our species has enough of these resources left are: Standard of Living and Population. The way we live is how much we each consume. For example: although we only need a few resources to survive (water, food, clean air, shelter, etc.), we can also have larger houses, electricity, lead, sewage treatment, transportation, larger meals, and many different things. kinds of clothing, etc. All this requires extra resources to be extracted from the earth in addition to what is already extracted for our basic survival needs.

The second factor in determining the forces of extraction from the earth is Population. Multiply the average amount of resources extracted for each person to achieve their standard of living, multiply it by the number of living people, and the product is the amount of resources extracted so that everyone can live as they want to live. . If this amount is less than the amount of resources the earth will fill, our life can be sustained and can go on indefinitely. If there is more supply than the earth can fill, then we will necessarily run out of resources, and either the average Standard of Living must decrease, or the population must decrease. Needless to say, our gluttonous lifestyle here in North America could use a significant reduction. But the quality of life can only be reduced to so much. After all, they always need the basics: clean water, air, food, shelter, clothing. The larger the population, the more important it is.

Overpopulation is the state of a species when it survives with more resources than its environment can support (as indicated by The American Heritage® Science Dictionary). Even the CIA World Factbook states “overpopulation” as one of today’s world-wide environmental problems. We are now extracting more resources than the earth can renew, and our population is still exploding.

We can either choose to bring ourselves back, or we can’t choose. By choosing not to end up in a mass carnage of deaths due to starvation, lack of shelter, and drought. Since this tragedy was grave and unnecessary, we must choose to bring our own people back.

There are only two ways to bring us humans back. We can either actively control or passively control. Active jamming involves the killing of some of our own people to reduce our numbers. This may include activities such as: poisoning the water supplies, snake disease, burning vital fruit to cause starvation, and other violent forms of killing that resulted in the deaths of billions of people. It also actively inhibits deaths, which have no effect on our growth, and the constant number of people dying of hunger, drought, and lack of shelter.

Passive checks involve activities such as ending births. Since only females can give birth, and since they must give birth to at least two offspring to replace the previous one. generation, limiting the average number of child births per woman to less than 2 will result in a definite decrease in population. This can be done by producing free birth control devices and systems in the world, so that it is easily available and encouraged. . their use by the media, cultural and religious pressure, as well as government control.

Since encouraging the mass slaughter of billions of people is worse than telling the female gender, it should temporarily reduce the average number of children to less than 2, we can rule out the first option in favor of the second, as we have only two options. .

Hence, modern humans must temporarily limit the average number of births of children per woman to less than 2 worldwide.

One opposing argument is that these calculations are all wrong, and the Earth can actually support several billion people.

And this is well and true. But to what our average cost of living? Remember, if the population increases, the live standard bearer must decrease.

So let’s say that we are a form of Sacred Living, as much as it is technically possible. We are all packed into tiny cages like cows, with little to move around, with tubes to feed us the bare minimum of food and water we need to survive, and other tubes to carry away urine and feces. In these extreme conditions of life, the human race was able to reproduce more until the human population reached thirty billion people, without anyone ever starving or dying due to lack of resources. And we could sustain this. But will it be worth it? Is it more important to ask for the quantity of life, or the quality?

As you can see, by choosing to reduce the standard of living for the population today, the problem is actually to postpone the problem until a point in time when the population grows and living standards cannot be reduced any further.

If the way of dealing with the population is carried to its conclusion, it will ultimately guarantee the lowest possible standard of living for the greatest number of people. This is the kind of stupid logic that results in dystopia.

Another argument commonly brought up sounds like this: “There is no need to do anything more to the population, because of such wars, natural disasters , disease, etc. Things like this are nature or God’s way not to be followed by the multitude.

I doubt this because they are simply wrong. I cannot say that I blame them, for it is very difficult to comprehend how many people there are on this planet, and how many more are being brought every day. So I will help everyone understand why this logic fails.

In just a little research I discovered WWI, WWII, The Vietnam War, and every storm that happened in North America in the last century mixed up left a total of about 96,590,000 people dead (including civilians). That’s just rounding up to a nice 100 million deaths from tropical storms and the three deadliest wars that have taken place in the last 100 years. Since 25,000 new people were born each day, it would take only four hundred days, more than one year, to bring back so many new lives lost. (More sources cited below).

You can see that, despite our best efforts, we have not yet found a way to kill ourselves faster than we reproduce ourselves. Therefore, based on the current active control is not only inhumane, but also ineffective.

Finally, we have shown that we, as a species, are now producing too quickly for our environments to ever be favorable. I explained why this trend cannot continue and that the only human way out of this predicament is to reduce the global average number of births per woman to less than 2.

I like it, therefore, to create awareness.

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