A Woman’s Guide for Men: How to Gain the Self Confidence She Wants You to Have

Women can read a man like the back of their own hand. They can feel when a man is confident and faith filled in the person he has become. On the flip side, they also can sense when a man feels inadequate or unworthy of those around him. The more uncomfortable a man feels in his own skin, the less likely he’s to attract any sort of woman. The key is to find the self confidence needed to attract that perfect lady, without coming off as over confident or arrogant. Even in long-term relationships, men who don’t retain the self-confidence they once had can lose the interest of the lady in their life. Take from a wife of nearly 20 years, women know when men start losing confidence.

What is Self Confidence?

Self confidence is the best starting point for a rebirth. The self confidence a man has will attract a woman in no time flat. And, it won’t matter how physically attractive the woman finds he to be, because the attraction will stem from someplace that looks don’t matter. He needs to feel like he’s a 10 all the time. Right out of bed, stinky breath, I’m a 10, that’s what he needs to think. But, often that’s the hardest part of gaining self confidence.

Before trying to gain self confidence on your own, you’ll need to take a step back and watch others in action. Whether you choose to learn from the movies or learn from real life, the key is to find men that feel they’re great just the way they are. They’ll often appear very expressive with their feelings, but not too talkative. They’ll certainly be in good physical shape and breathe the innate ability to take care of the woman should she so need to be taken care of.

And that’s another important part of attracting women with self confidence. Women want to be taken care of on some level. Sure, they may not need your money, car or home, but they’ll want to be able to let go either in the bedroom or on the couch emotionally. Men need to be able to give that release to women and if they’re scared to death every time a 10 walks toward them, that fright will instantly affect their face, actions and ability to communicate. Women will see this and move away.

Exercise Your Way to a Better You

The best way to increase your self confidence is to practice some meditation exercises. The most basic is self esteem boosting phrases. There are 7 words that stand between you and the woman of your dreams. They are “I love myself and I’m worth her.” Repeat these words over and over again. At home, in the shower, at work, in the gym. No matter where you are, say this phrase, scream this phrase and most of all BELIEVE this phrase. Women will see the change in your attitude, they will notice that you are more confident in who you are and they’ll take a step back and reevaluate all they thought they knew about you.

When phrases are not enough, the time will come to take a look at the physical aspect of your body. Maybe you are holding on to an extra 20 pounds, maybe you are not in great shape, or maybe your hair is graying and you don’t like the look. No matter the physical feature you feel you need to change, take your time and change it. The self confidence will naturally return.

Women are the nurturers in our world and they are born with the ability to sense fear. They’ll seek out your innermost insecurities, so make them disappear and repeat after me, “I love myself and I’m worth her!”

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