Aaron the Levite: the First High Priest of the Hebrews

The Jewish Scriptures, or Torah, consist of the first five books of the Bible; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. The Christian calls these five books of Moses, or the Pentateuch.

There are those who believe without exception that these books are true; Of course, many have not. It is very important, as the author of the article, to make my opinion known so that you, the reader, will consider my studies. I believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God written by about forty human authors; 39 books of the Old Testament and 27 books of the New Testament. My personal reason for that faith is the number of complete prophets from the Old Testament; without a single error. Additionally, there is a great agreement among the authors, although their books were written without prior knowledge, yet the odds that the Bible is true, I am too ignorant.

This article is not meant to be “apologetic” or a defense of the faith in any way. though I hope to do a series of apologetics, inerrancy writings, and feature books in the future. This particular article is simply a look at a person who has a lot of interest with the main theme in the Bible; indulgence

Most people know the name of Moses and, besides that, many people have some idea about the life of Moses. This child was found in Pharaoh’s daughter and raised in Pharaoh’s court. He slew Egypt, and was slain for his life. When he returned to Egypt, he was going to free the Israelites from slavery.

Often little was done that Moses tried to accept to do what God had asked of him. . He was not eloquent enough to speak with Pharaoh. And God was angry with him about that place.

The man who was sent by God to the mouth of Moses was called Aaron, or Aaron the Levite. (Wilkipedia Aaron) As a younger man he never took the time to reconcile that Aaron and Moses were brothers, and Mary was their older sister.

Why is it time to write an article on Aaron who, according to Wilkipedia, was about 1000 BC. Aaron represents a great theme in the Bible; indulgence It is from this that the whole Christian faith is based, the life of Aaron the first Pope cannot be ignored; especially since he himself has made some pretty serious mistakes.

Aaron never had much in the way of God’s opinion. For he only addresses Moses once, and that is Num. 3:11 (Gardner). directly directed by God. Exodus 4:27 and Numbers 18:1-20;

Aaron without twice. In one case he leads the Israelites to “defection in worship”, under their pressure and building a golden calf, for which God would have killed him, had it not been for Moses. Moreover, with Mary in her rebellion against the dignity of the leadership of Moses, it was difficult. For he paid for the leprosy that was smitten by God. Again God was appeased after the intervening of seven days thanks to Moses. No.

During the lives of Aaron, Miriam and Moses, we begin to see the picture. Moses was very confident before he set out into the wilderness, but forty years away from humanity put him in an attitude of self-doubt. However, he was pleased by God because he was fair and kind.

We don’t get the same picture of Aaron. We have a picture of a weak person. He is an imitator. He gives to the Israelites and gives to Mary. Then his two first-born sons, Nadab and Abiu, are killed by God, because they do not follow the priestly law. It is necessary to suspect that he gave his history, lest Aaron should have been so ardent as he was in teaching, and obeying the observances of these Laws. His decision to remain silent after Moses’ death is evidenced by the death of his two sons.

Mary, from the first time she appears in the Scriptures, is strong and proud, and while she helps Moses in his first salvation; then the question becomes how heavy the price is to pay.

The life of Aaron the Levite begins fundamentally, in our place, with him helping Moses, bringing the ten plagues on Egypt, and finally freeing the nation of Israel from slavery. But now he fails, when he acts on his own without Moses.

However, in the last Bible, in several places, they pleased him about his priesthood; Psalms 77:20; Psalms 99:6; Psalms 106:1)

Aaron, by virtue of his office as the first high priest; Redemption by the sacrifice of an animal introduces immolation. Laying the hand on the head before killing the animal is mentioned several times in Leviticus. Moreover, the proper method of preparing the bird and the slaughtering of the animal belonged to the first part of the work (Gardner).

We are introduced to the concept of “Scapego”; scapegoat for the sins of the whole nation in the wilderness. (Leviticus 16:20-22).

The Old Testament, in the person of Aaron, the first Pope, shows the Advent of God, the Sacrifice of Man in the New Testament: , according to my opinion, Aaron should be considered for the role of the last sacrifice in the ancient scriptures. “>we can see it described years later. through his Old Testament.

As I said at the beginning of this article, behold, Aaron is a Levite. I present it as a historical truth; it is represented in Judaism and the Muslim faith as well as Christianity, although not necessarily in the same way. However, I personally believe in the works of Aaron to point to Christ who, in my view again, gave the world an alternative. /a> to sin as the last Sacrifice.


  • Wilkipedia Aaron

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