Abnormal Behavior

At the moment, it is not possible to define the specific meaning of abnormal behavior, and considering the many different variables, it is unlikely that there will always be one specific answer. What behavior seems abnormal to some, may be considered normal by others; and the four Ds can help to account for behaviors that are considered out of order for a specific place and time.

Some unusual definitions associated with what are known as the four Ds are as follows:


Deviant behavior is something that differs greatly from the behavior of any society at a certain time. Certain circumstances can sometimes justify abnormal behavior, but without these circumstances particular behavior is considered deviant.


When thoughts, actions, or emotions affect a person, those functions may be considered abnormal. An example; a person who collects plastic milk crates from strangers may be considered abnormal, but unless his actions cause them distress, he may simply be a happy eccentric. Eccentric people do not necessarily have mental disorders that make them behave abnormally (Comer, 2005, p.4).


When a person behaves abnormally due to mental illness, they cannot cope with day-to-day life in a successful way, or be accepted by the society in which they live. Dysfunctional behavior such as lack of personal hygiene, impairment or substance abuse. Someone who he cannot manage a dysfunctional life, he cannot manage the care of himself and his family. And he might not be able to keep a job.


Abnormal behavior can also involve an element of risk. A person can be a threat to himself or others, and intervention must necessarily take place before injuries occur, or the person is imprisoned. Certain mental disorders can cause people to behave in ways that put society or themselves at risk, even though typically, they do not have particularly abnormal behavior. For example; Gaming can cause a person to engage in irrational thoughts and defenses if they feel the need to protect themselves from imminent danger. Paranoia is another cause of defensiveness and possibly fatal.

Time is an important factor when considering abnormal behavior. Not so many years ago, it would have been abnormal to think of an African American President of the United States< /a>. It is now a matter and an opportunity that has been made by society rather than being thought of as foreign. The location in which abnormal behavior is considered is another factor to consider in defining abnormal behavior; mowing the front lawn While bare can be an exhilarating experience for some, but in most areas, this behavior usually happens. by arrest for indecent exposure.

Cultural and religious differences may also account for certain behaviors that are seen as abnormal behavior by some. Chanting verses from the Koran or praying at certain times of the day in public is abnormal in the town where I live, but these customs appear to be normal and respectful behavior in a country or community where most are Muslim.


Comer, R. J. (2005). Fundamentals of abnormal psychology (4th ed.). London Dutch: Worth.

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