AirZone 14′ Trampoline Review

I’m a huge kid and I envy when other people buy cool things for their kids, and I sit on the sidelines and watch as the ‘kids’ play. When my younger cousin got the trampoline, I looked at it in awe. However, the girl robbed the rich man, no one would allow him on the trampoline.

Torn, Hope falls and breaks her leg. Everyone watched as the little miss princess walked by trying to get our attention as she jumped around trying to do flips. Ah! Food

My paycheck came 4 days later, I had to show this clown up, and I had to have a trampoline! I didn’t even know they sold so big to regular everyday people. We thought they were only sold in large sizes to people in the circus. However, when I saw the big blue one hanging from the ceiling of Walmart for only $199 I knew I could afford it, I knew I had to, and I knew it was only a matter of hours before I would be able to jump around doing impossible flips and jumps. .

The trampoline was made by AirZone and was about 14 The protection was blue, although I prefer pink.

Setup was a cinch, however it required 2 people to set it up. This was where his father put him to work. Placing the bars that simply slid in was the easy part. Then to attach the springs, again this was easily achieved. Then we hit the exit. Each spring we gradually attached the pad to the trampoline, and at first we thought this would happen gradually, until we reached the last of the 3 springs. We wanted to have a really hard time keeping the last 3 connected, and this feat was quite dangerous. One slip and you could well rip your hand off.

After 10 minutes of struggling and dragging our laps, we finally got the trampoline all set up. She was beautiful! Then it must be said simply, where on the grass we should draw it. We found it in the area behind the lawn in the back yard, and it has rested there for almost 2 years, still doing as excellent a job as it did when we first got it.

We knew we had to be careful while jumping because trampolines are dangerous. Not riding around or doing side flips. These rules are easy enough for adults to follow, but kids…uh, kids tend to bend the rules a lot and end up hurting themselves as a result. So if they buy one for your kids, make sure you’re present while they jump. Even with the lame donkey safety nets, kids can still fall and get really hurt.


When he first jumps on your trampoline, he’s going to make a bunch of squealing noises. You don’t have to stake, you simply have to tighten to jump. A few jumps will make the trampoline strong and supportive in no time.

The next 2 days were spent jumping and camping on the trampoline. After the first obsession, you will be less and less obsessed. Which I use once a month or give or take now.


You can easily get hurt in a hat. There are rules to follow, which if you don’t follow, you’re bound to get hurt at one time or another. For one, only one should dance at a time. He is held to be more than just an injury. Did I follow that rule? No. I had fun on our 14′ trampoline with 3 people. We have not been wronged, but we are adults again, and we know ourselves and those around us. Should I do that? It’s not hell, but I know I can’t stop you, and you’re probably not the only one to dance, just like a trampoline thing.

But I watch the children’s trampoline. If there is more than one child on the trampoline, keep your eyes peeled and stay around the edges of the trampoline while the children jump.

HAT also warns against flips. However, the very thing again is that probably every user is trying to do the flip. I’ve done flips, and I’m telling you, it’s dangerous. You can hit your leg against a metal bar pretty hard, which could cause it to sprain or break if it lands wrong. There have been reports of people falling off the trampoline and breaking their necks, so my advice is not to try it. No matter how badly you want it.


Once your neighborhood trampoline is known, you have a problem. It won’t be long before strange kids are knocking on your door asking to use the trampoline. No matter how cute, and how badly they pray, it’s a big NO. You don’t want a lawsuit on your hands if a kid hurts himself. If you feel good, let them know that they cannot jump in it unless their parents are present.


Petaura, however, can be left in the winter season, when it is a pain in the back. Walmart sells covers for just that purpose. I will say this though, we have had our trampoline for 2 years and counting and have never used a cover. Our springs are as fresh as looking at day 1. However, if you do not use a cover, inspect your trampoline before using it after long periods of time. Rusty rose springs. If one is rusty, do not stone it. You can really simply replace it.

Other trampoline gadgets:

1. Protective network. It’s not the real estate, but the pregnant woman who is pregnant. Although it is not 100% injury proof.
2. Trampoline tents can also be purchased. This dome enclosure is a great trampoline. You can go camping on your trampoline without getting rained on or eaten by a mosquito.

Where to buy a trampoline:

Walmart has excellent deals on trampolines, and also carries a large variety of different sizes to accommodate any lawn size. Prices vary from $194-$349. You can check out the different types of trampolines that are available at


Petula offers hours and hours of fun every year. The best thing about HATS is that you can exercise while playing. However, they can be dangerous and should be avoided while petting.

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