Analysis of Heidi Klum’s Diet Secrets

When you’re a television celebrity and former model, your body weight can affect your ability to make a living. That’s why beautiful Heidi Klum felt compelled to quickly lose the 48 pounds she gained during her last pregnancy. Not only did Heidi achieve weight loss success, she was able to step back onto the runway seven weeks after giving birth. Quite a feat! Let’s see what she has to teach us about fitness and weight loss:

Heidi Klum diet secret: She eats frequent, small meals.

One secret Heidi gives for her weight loss success is the fact that she eats small, healthy meals every three hours throughout the day.


With this weight control technique, Heidi is keeping her metabolism primed with frequent food intake. This allows her body to work at peak capacity to burn off excess fat and calories. Too frequently, women attempt to lose weight by eating less frequently meals and snacks.. This can cause the body to go into starvation mode, promoting fat storage and weight gain. Five or six small healthy meals a day that are reasonably high in protein can promote weight loss by keeping the metabolism operating efficiently. Another advantage to frequent meals is it keeps energy levels high which can help give you the stamina to burn off excess calories.

Heidi Klum diet secret: 90 Minute Workouts

This is the one you might not want to hear. Yes, Heidi did have to workout to achieve her phenomenal weight loss. She reportedly participated in 90 minute workouts at the gym four days a week using a combination of strength training and aerobic exercise.


It would be wonderful if there were a miracle solution for weight loss that didn’t involve diet and exercise, but the truth is there’s not. Studies have shown that women who exercise on a regular basis performing both aerobic and strength training exercises were not only able to lose weight more quickly but were more likely to keep it off long term. If you want to experience lasting weight loss, make the commitment to head to the gym. Make it a part of your every day life like getting dressed in the morning. Fortunately, you don’t need to exercise an hour and a half like Heidi, half that amount of time spent exercising three to four days a week can produce the results you want.

Heidi Klum diet secret: She eats an apple when she’s hungry

Heidi Klum reportedly grabs an apple to snack on when hunger strikes.


This strategy may be more effective than you would think. Yes, apples are low in calories at around 70 calories per medium sized apple, but even more important the high pectin content promotes a sense of fullness that lasts for several hours so you’re less likely to snack. Plus, there are lots of vitamins and heart healthy antioxidants in an apple. Be sure to buy organic apples since conventional apples are thought to have a high concentration of pesticide residues.

Heidi Klum diet secret: She doesn’t eat after 8:00 P.M.

Heidi may eat frequent meals throughout the day, but she stops eating after 8:00 P.M.


Surprisingly enough, studies have shown this strategy is not effective. It was originally thought that eating in the evening promotes weight gain since you’re less likely to be active. What appears to matter is total calorie intake, regardless of when you take them in. Keep your calories within a certain range and you should be fine regardless of when you comsume them.

Heidi Klum appears to have a solid, viable plan for weight control. Instead of opting for fad diets and dangerous weight loss pills, she has chosen a safe plan to take off those excess post pregnancy pounds. What aspects of Heidi Klum’s diet could you incorporate into your own fitness plan?

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