Analysis of Jessica Biel’s Diet Plan

Twenty-four year old Jessica Biel has one of Hollywood’s most coveted bodies. Toned and defined, she seems to have found a winning formula for diet and exercise success. What are the secrets to this celebrity’s body sculpting success?

Jessica Biel diet plan: Six small meals a day

Jessica has discovered that eating three small meals and three snacks a day works best for keeping her hunger at bay. She adds to protein to every meal and chooses lean chicken, salmon, or pork along with a salad or fresh vegetables and brown rice or whole wheat noodles. She admits to having indulged in diet fads in the past but now opts for healthier food choices.


This is a winning strategy for weight loss. By making high protein, healthy carb food choices along with fresh vegetables, Jessica ensures that she is practicing sound nutrition. Plus, the fact that she eats six smaller meals a day helps her to stay satisfied and keep her metabolism primed throughout the day. This reduces the chance of unhealthy binge eating due to hunger. Plus, her high protein intake along with her exercise plan will help her build lean body mass which should increase her metabolic rate so she burns fat and calories faster.

Jessica Biel diet plan: She has a cheat day

Jessica admits to following her diet six days away with the seventh day off. On this day she relaxes her diet standards and eats what she wants.


A cheat day can be psychologically liberating but an entire day of overindulgence may be too calorie rich for some people. The last thing you want to do is undue your progress for the week. A smarter approach may be to have a cheat meal once a week as opposed to a full day of calorie rich foods. In this way you can still taste high calorie foods without risking too many calories.

Jessica Biel diet plan: Exercise routine

Jessica does an intense cardio routine, generally on the treadmill or outdoors on a track, six days a week for forty five minutes per session. She also does strength training under the eyes of a personal trainer where they focus in on working a single body part at a time, working it to fatigue using weights.


The combination of an intense cardio routine to burn fat and calories combined with strength training is ideal for building lean body mass. Many people make the mistake of emphasizing cardio while doing little strength training. Although cardio helps to burn calories and promote loss of body fat, excessive cardio can also break down muscle if not accompanied by strength training. The higher your muscle content, the faster your baseline metabolism will be and the firmer and more toned you’ll appear. Thus, strength training is critical for priming the metabolism and sculpting a more beautiful body.

Final thoughts on Jessica Biel diet plan:

Jessica Biel has a very sensible and realistic plan for achieving fitness. It obviously works for her since she was able to reduce her total body fat by ten percent using this strategy. Why not incorporate some of Jessica’s diet secrets into your healthy diet and exercise plan?

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