Animal Guessing Game

Materials needed
30 Index Card

Write the names of different animals on list cards, one per card or use pictures for non-readers. There are many animals to choose from. You want to choose around the theme, such as Ocean life, livestock, pets, wild animals, etc. or just have different animals that you think your students know. Students sit in a circle to play the game and go over the rules of the game with them before the game.

Variation I
select a child to go to the middle circle. A child is an animal. The teacher tapes one of the index cards onto the child’s back to make sure / doesn’t see the card. The child rolls in the middle of the circle so that all the children can see. If your students can’t read, have them use pictures of animals instead of words. The object of the game is the child in the middle to resemble the animal. An “animal” can do this by asking even or without asking questions. The child can ask each person in the circle a question. When a child thinks he/she knows he/she is an animal, the guess can be said, “I am…”. It is assumed that once there were no more children, but even then they can be suspected before. He can continue playing with another child in the center, such as another animal that the child once suspected.

Variation II
Same as above. The only difference is that instead of one person in the middle asking what, with or without question, every person in the circle gives meaning to the animal (the boy in the center). The clues must all be different and not be able to name the animal. Animals can be imitated, such as charades, the sound they make, or the sense of the animal’s body, what the animal eats, or where the animal lives.

Variation III
You have the same thing with Variation 1 (yes or no questions only), but everyone takes a partner in the class. Each partner has the ability to be an animal. The partners ask each other whether or not the questions are similar to what they are. There is a 20 question mode and partners must take turns (one animal at a time).

Various 1 and 3 Sample Yes or No Questions
1. Do I live in a zoo?
2. Do I live on earth?
3. Do I have 4 feet?
4. Am I mad?
5. Am I brown?

Various 2 Sample Clues
1. you are pet
2. You walk on 4 legs.
3. You are a small bagger.
4. You have whiskers.
5. You are soft.

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