Apple (Mac) Laptop Versus Dell PC Laptop

It’s a Mac or PC question that has been asked for some time, but has become more so with each passing year. Apple stocks fly up to a hundred dollars a piece or more, and stores pop up all over the country. Dell PC’s are also rising in popularity due to the easy power acquisition through payment plans. Which computer is better, a Mac or a Dell PC.

I personally have both an Apple laptop and a Dell PC. At first I didn’t want to buy two computers, but in the end it happened. I bought my first Mac laptop for many reasons. One, a Mac laptop is very unlikely to get a virus when downloading or browsing files on the Internet. Something that everyone fears. It can be a killer for you personal computer and I will go to great lengths to avoid such a problem. So the pool just seemed right to me. The Mac laptop was also small and easily carried around in a backpack or small book. It’s significantly lighter than some other laptops I’ve owned in my life. I also like the look of Mac laptops. The one I bought is a bright white color with a light Apple logo on the front. It may sound silly, but let’s face it, looks are important. Apple Laptops also in black (in the latest version). In addition, the Mac offers some excellent options as far as speed and memory go. Since all Apple computers are designed to be used for a number of highly creative and technical purposes, the system is designed to be efficient in those areas, word processing does not seem to be the Mac’s strong suit.

Which brings me to my second purchase Dell laptop. I recently enrolled in college online and needed access to the college website. Unfortunately, I was informed that the student website is best viewed and used on a PC, rather than a Mac computer He had already bought it before. You see, the Mac uses an internet browser called “Safari” which cannot access my college’s web pages. So I decided to look for another computer. I looked through the Dell website and came across a laptop that I felt would be perfect for college use. I bought a Dell Inspiron E1405. It was bigger memory and speed in computer than Apple, and proved more useful. to the word of the projects of the process which was assigned in the College. The Dell was also significantly larger than the Mac laptop, heavier, and not as portable as I would have liked. The Dell performed well for a little less than a year before I started experiencing problems. The Dell started freezing on the shelves for no reason, closed web pages without warning, the screen started showing black lines that wouldn’t go away unless I shut down the account and restart it, to name a few. . Now I know what you’re thinking, man right? Wrong, I ran lots of virus scans and other security measures to protect my computer, no virus. is here; and yet the computer continues to have invalid issues. In addition, the speakers on the computer failed and they gave me extra to fix it only a year after buying the computer!

These types of problems have never been experienced on an Apple Laptop, in fact Mac functionality has never been. Mac seems to be generally a more reliable computer than Dell. Apple Laptops are considerably more expensive than a typical Dell PC I’ll encourage buying an Apple laptop over a Dell PC any day. The life of a Mac computer is much longer and you will experience less problems in the long run.


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