April Fools’ Day Activities for Kids

April Fools’ Day for Kids is a set of activities that will be sure to keep you ready for celebration! Without being constantly ready, countries could not, once again, rejoice in a celebration that is performed around the world. Here is is a guide that has several activities and games for children that wish to celebrate April Fools’ Day 2009. Be sure to read the guide thoroughly and proceed at your own caution, before the next fool decides to!

1. Mock Present Barrage. At the airport, in the bus, or even, on the train, April 1st is the holiday to send mock presents out! Kids can wrap up mock presents with as many layers of wrapping paper and ribbons as possible, and then send them to as many people as they know! Although some countries only allow the April Fools’ festivities to continue until noon, other countries allow the celebration to continue throughout the entire day.

2. Pretend the Ceremony. Have another holiday you like, such as New Year’s Day, Christmas, or Valentine’s Day? On April Fool’s Day, kids can dress up and pretend that the ceremonies are, once again, upon us! Looking for an extra batch of fireworks, presents, cards, and candies? Play Pretend the Ceremony this April Fools’ Day, and catch all the fools that you can! Although this day is for fools, the rewards for your celebrating may be quite sweet!

3. April’s Fish. For those that appreciate advanced gameplay, April’s Fish is a surefire way to gain experience in celebrating April Fools’ Day. Simply fold a fish out of paper, and attempt to attach it to a victim’s back without being noticed! Beware, if the fish bearer is caught after noon, then they shall turn into a fool, like the princess and the pumpkin! Another method of celebration is to send emails of fish pictures to those you’d like to celebrate with.

As each country has its own variation of April Fools’ Day, any discussion from the kids would make this holiday more refined and further entrenched in the adopted Gregorian calendar that has made all of these holiday celebrations possible!


1. http://www.bigdates.com/holidays/aprilfoolsday.asp.

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