Are We Headed for a Pole Shift? Evidence Exists that Mass Climatic Changes May Be Imminent

It is obvious even to the casual observer that the world’s climate is changing. Proponents of the global warming theory believe that ozone depletion is to blame, but what if this is simply a natural cycle that repeats itself every so many years? They are seen to be valid points for a large event in making points that are countered by other scientists with seemingly implausible arguments. Proponents of the pole shift theory argue that their opponents are in denial, or at worst, a mass coverup. Who is a just man and who is unjust? Let’s examine some evidence.

1) One observer seems to have passed the reading circle of his home 5 degrees to the east within one year.

2) An excellent paper notes by Flavius ​​Barbieri how pole shift could happen quickly. It is easy to read but computationally intensive. It is predicted that the star will hit the Earth, but it shows a high probability. The Earth is modeled as a gyroscope, and if you work with the centrifugal force equations, it is quite likely that water building up at both poles in the form of ice caps and ice floes can create instability all the same over many years. Even without an asteroid impact, my analysis shows that it is likely that this gravity imbalance could cause the entire mechanical pole.

3) Existence of the catastrophic falls of the former land wide open, as in the Tiahuanaco and La Brea Tar Pits.

4) From;

In the past 15 million years, scientists have discovered that pole changes have occurred four times every 1 million years. Although these averages come out once every 250,000 years, the exchanges do not occur at regular intervals. million years ago, although this is believed to be an anomaly.The last pole was formed 790,000 years ago, causing some scientists to believe that the revolution has already occurred

5) From Wikipedia:

Hugh Auchincloss Brown (23 December1879 i> i> 19 November1975) was an electrical engineer best known for advancing the theory of catastrophic pole shift .Brown argued that the accumulation of ice at the poles is the cause of the recurrence of the axis in cycles of about 7 millennia.

As I myself electrical engineer, I followed the strength of the magnetic poles. If it is not a total mechanical conversion, it appears that we must retire to a magnetic change at least. Regarding the possibility of mechanical revolution, if you throw a ball full of water, you will see centrifugal forces acting on the water to distribute the mass so that it escapes after so many revolutions.

Looking at the other side of this question, here are some arguments against the possibility of imminent pole migration:

1) The popular author of the book Pole Shift flipped his personal vertical to believe this would happen.

2) Leroy Ellingberger raises tough questions in this reply to Hapgood (another scientist who proposed the pole shift theory).

3) The polemic warnings are embedded in a less than credible “Novo-agism” text, as this author testifies. It’s hard to accept scientific evidence as credible when they report that “millions of people are raising their vibrations to a new level and reaching a new reality.” Could they very well describe the experience of death? There are many credible people with demonstrable psychic skills. There are also many cults out there that tell you to “avoid” this experience unless you pay them money. These crackpots are causing many to throw the whole thing away.

In personal experience, I have seen more severe storm conditions in the last five years than I have seen in the whole. life before I live in California and have a very sensitive hearing with high frequencies. I heard it more frequently for months, and I felt that I was wandering under the earth. My husband grew up in the Sierra Nevadas, and we were there on vacation this weekend. He said that the moon was “in a fixed place”, so that time of the year must be in that place. My father and husband are both very attached to the land and are avid gardeners. And they commented that the earth was different, and that their fruits suffered from it.

I also remember reading about finding a frozen mastodon…frozen with tropical vegetation still in its mouth.

What will happen if the pole is shifted? If the magnetic pole is shifted, animals whose homing and migratory instincts rely on magnetic signals begin to get confused and their migration patterns suffer. Our clocks will slow down, and our electronics will malfunction more and more until they are at the point of being useless. High winds, earthquakes (the earth’s core is magnetic in nature), volcanoes, and hurricanes will increase in intensity until the actual change takes place. If it is both magnetic and mechanical in nature, these will occur at a high intensity rate leading to actual change. The plates collide, and masses rise from the ocean, while others sink.

Although the arguments for transposing poles are not yet conclusive, my opinion is that it is better to be safe than sorry. What are you doing?

1) Keep your eyes and ears to the ground, literally. Watch for changes and see what’s going on around you.

2) Look at the firm ground on which you live. I completed a course in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnics Engineering as a goal, to add a degree in Civil Engineering. my portfolio of degrees. Do you live in loose packed sand? Move – an earthquake will melt. Are you in the sin race is humane and penetrable – we will overcome even the worst that mother nature has to offer.

Finally, there is no way to know if or when there will be a pole shift. There is certainly not enough information available to advise prudent people to sit up and take notice – and be prepared.


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