Aren’t You Glad You Use Dial?

This year is the mark of the Dial Corporation’s 60th Anniversary. Sixty years ago, the makers of Dial Soap introduced their traditional antibacterial orange bar soap product into the commercial market and became an instant leader in the beauty and hygiene industry. Since then, they have continued to introduce groundbreaking products and have acquired a swarm of loyal Dial Soap consumer fans.

The products of Dial Soap as well as their corporate image remain highly respected. Even their infamous advertising slogan became a hit in the media world and to this day many can’t help but remember the quotes in their head when caught in a warm and highly populated with potentially sweaty people area.

How many times within the past decade or so have you witnessed someone-usually in a public, crowded place- make a Dial Soap joke? You know, it goes, “Aren’t you glad you use Dial”? Sometimes it follows with, “Don’t you wish everyone did?”

While this slogan brought Dial much success as an advertising strategy, the Dial Soap Corporation and products speak for themselves.

Depending on your age, you may or may not recall the unforgettably clever television commercial advertising for the basic original and traditional block of Dial Soap. The brand identifying orange bar, imprinted with the Dial label on its surface was the first of its kind when introduced to the market in 1948, in the world of beauty and hygiene.

Not only did the Dial Corporation invent a breakthrough never achieved before bar soap that provided deodorized protection in a way that no other hygiene product had accomplished, but they also managed to create the soap with a memorable mild yet sweet clove like scent, a scent that is well recognized as Dial Soap even today.

The delightful scent and deodorizing benefit would have surely been enough to generate a nationwide flood of sales. But Dial Corporation took the product a step further. They did not want to just drench the soap products in concoctions of intense perfumes and oil scents so as to merely mask the body odor that the product was designed to eliminate, for anyone could do that. In fact people were doing it and to this day are still doing it all the time; think about how many times you’ve been in a crowded area and couldn’t help but notice the sickening sweet smell of someone who had unsuccessfully tried to drench himself in cologne to disguise the fact that his armpits needed a good (and thorough) freshening up? Yuk.

Dial Soap has done a great job over these 60 years in establishing themselves as a sincere and honest brand, a brand who if it came to life would be a person who liked to do things the right way the first time instead of cut corners and take a hit for it in the end. Dial Soap and Corporation are realistic, they understand that our bodies sweat and that, well, sometimes people stink. It happens.

But unlike that guy and his suffocating trail of cologne I just forced you to visualize a moment ago, the creators, researchers and developers behind Dial Corporation, and particularly the original orange bar of Dial Soap, refused to settle for a cover up hygiene product. They wanted to see that stink gone. And sure enough eventually they figured out how to do that.

After many research studies and rigorous tests by dedicated chemists the developers of the Dial Soap determined that the horrific smell that we’ve come to associate so repulsively with human sweat and body odor was a direct result of a natural bacteria which apparently is always present on human skin, its objective being to break down the perspiration.

So with that in mind came another breakthrough idea. Considering this new scientific discovery, Dial recognized an incredible opportunity to revolutionize the beauty and hygiene industry of products in yet another way, promptly and quite smartly I might say, added an antibacterial component to the soap and voila it was ready to be put on the market.

The yellow orange bar of antibacterial Dial Soap was offered to consumers at 25 cents a bar and the sales soared form the start. Since Dial Corporation first entered the commercial market sixty years ago with the traditional bar of Dial Soap, the company has continued to successfully shape a very strong brand image and maintain customer loyalty as more products are created and introduced.

For more information on the Dial Corporation and its various products, visit the official Dial Soap website. Or to help them celebrate their 60th Anniversary, go here. This Dial Corporation website was created for just that and you might find it quite fun. Browse through what looks like it may just be the entire collection of Dial Soap’s advertising in the form of TV commercials. Send a friend a “Dirty E-card”. Or play the online game, “The Soap Swap Challenge. There is a lot to do on this site and great facts to learn. It’s nostalgic, fresh and fun. The Dial 60th site if nothing else is another great confirmation about the Dial Corporation. When they do something they do it right.


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