Basic First Aid-What to Do and Not to Do in First Aid

Burns-If you have spilled something on your clothing that is burning you, DO remove the clothing. The clothing will hold in the heat and cause the burn to be worse. Put in the burned area under or into tepid water for about a minute. DO NOT make the water too cold as that can shock your body and don’t make it too hot as that will make the burn worse. Note: Never apply butter, oil or Vaseline to a burn. If you believe you have a more serious burn, go to the hospital.

Blisters-If you have a blood blister, it is alright to pop it. Popping a blood blister will make it bleed and scab. If you do not pop a blood blister, the blood will scab under the skin. Do not pop water blisters. The skin under the water and the outer layer of skin is more susceptible to infection. If it does pop, DO wash it. Apply an antibacterial ointment to the blister and cover. Once the blister is dried out and no longer oozing, it is alright to leave it uncovered. Once it is uncovered, you still have to make sure you keep it clean!

Cuts and Scrapes-First thing you should DO with a cut or a scrape is wash it in warm water. If the area is still bleeding, apply slight pressure for 20 seconds. That should have made the bleeding stop. If you are concerned about keeping the area clean or the area bleeding more, cover it with a bandage. The bandage should be big enough to fit over the entire injury. If your cut or scrape is deep or bleeding uncontrollably, you may need to go to a hospital and get stitches. Note: DO NOT pour Hydrogen Peroxide into your cuts and scrapes. Although Hydrogen Peroxide will kill the bacteria, it will also destroy the exposed tissue and retard healing resulting in scar tissue.

Poison Ivy-Unfortunately there is not a whole lot you can do for poison ivy. In the event that you have poison ivy, DO NOT scratch it or pop the blisters (please see the blister section). You should put calamine lotion on the blisters and wait it out. There are a number of home remedies to help sooth the itchiness of poison ivy, such as, oatmeal baths (available at most grocery stores and home stores), cool wet compresses (lay a cool wet washcloth of the poison ivy blisters), DO NOT cover the rash as the air will help you heal faster. Poison ivy should not result in a visit to your doctor unless, more the 70% of your body is covered in poison ivy or if you have it on or near your eyes.

Insect stings and bites-If you get bitten or stung by and insect and you are allergic, DO follow the direction your doctor gave you. If you are not allergic to insect bites and stings and are bitten or stung by and insect, make a thick paste out of water and baking soda. Apply the paste to the bite/sting area. Allow the paste to dry and then wash or dust it off. The paste will help pull out the poison of the bite/sting. Take Benadryl. Note: If you feel like you can no longer breathe, you should go to the hospital.

Eye Injuries-Eye injuries should always be taken to a doctor.

Head injuries-Head injuries should almost always be taken to a doctor.

Please do not use this instead of your better judgment. If you believe you need to see a doctor or go to the emergency room, than you should do so.

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