Battle of the Colas: Coke Zero Vs. Pepsi One

The “Soft Drink Wars” were popular in the 80’s and saved consumers a lot of money. Coca-Cola and Pepsi were under-pricing each other to prove that they were the most popular. Since many families prefer one brand to another, they often buy the brand with the lowest price that day. The real test of which was better was through the many taste tests that were in the trade. Drink the bells long days. I started my little comparison with rival companies’ latest diet drinks Coke Zero and Pepsi One.

Diet soft drinks, not mine. I don’t like, never, never, ever. I started the Atkins diet a few weeks ago, you know, the one where you can have all the proteins and fats you want, but really good ones In life you will be abandoned like pasta and southern sweet tea and sugar filled soft drinks. The diets didn’t work for me, so I thought I’d try again. I know it’s supposed to be a lifestyle change, but I’m a very picky eater, my regular diet usually consists of carbohydrates and sugars, and it’s hard to go cold turkey.

When I dieted, I had to give up Mello Yello soft drinks and was able to look for a diet drink that I could tolerate. I have tried many diet drinks; of which I think nothing. I recently tried Coke Zero and Pepsi One. There are, I think, those who prefer Pepsi in the Cook category. I am not one of them. I find that Pepsi has a little sweet taste and I just generally prefer Coke. Maybe my split opinion is why I prefer Coke Zero to Pepsi One.

I found Coke Zero to be much less sweet and have little to no aftertaste. If you drink while you eat, you will not taste anything. It has no calories, no fat, and no carbohydrates, like any other diet drink. The only difference is the taste. It tastes as close to regular Coke as anything I have ever tasted. The differences are subtle, but hardly noticeable. The 20 ounce bottles taste good enough that I can actually drink a bottle without feeling like I’m punishing myself. I have noticed that while most grocery stores carry Coke Zero in a 2-ounce bottle, many convenience stores do not carry a bottle of Coke Zero. I don’t know why, maybe it’s not as popular as the regular version. Several times I’ve entered a convenience store with the intention of buying Coke Zero, only to find they don’t have it and make another choice.

Pepsi One is Coke No author. I found it has a much sweeter taste and aftertaste. The aftertaste is not so if you drink while eating. It has one calorie, no fat, and no carbohydrates. The taste just doesn’t compare. When you drink Pepsi One there is no doubt that you are drinking a diet drink. Pepsi One is much more expensive than Coke Zero at convenience stores. I’ve never had a problem finding a twenty-ounce bottle in a convenience store. On a brighter note, Pepsi definitely wins by itself, Diet Pepsi.

While Pepsi is better than Day Pepsi, it doesn’t hold a candle to Coke Zero. Coke No is the only diet drink I’ve found that can actually fool my body into thinking it’s getting those carbs and sugar it craves. Until then, some miracle soft drink can be produced that mimics exactly what is bad for us, yet is still considered a diet, I will drink Coke Zero.

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