Beautiful Attractions in Ukraine

Ukraine is a beautiful, history-filled country in the east of Europe. If you are planning a trip to the Ukraine, there are many sites and attractions that you will want to see. From breathtaking scenery to shopping and historical landmarks, you will want to see as much as you possibly can. Here are some of the most beautiful attractions that Ukraine has to offer.

First off, you will definitely want to visit the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv. The most popular attraction among tourists in Kyiv is the Caves Monastery. Overlooking the Dnipro River, the Caves Monastery consists of churches and museums. You can climb the Great Bell Tower and view historical items and art at two museums. These are the Museum of Historical Treasures and the Museum of Micro Miniatures. Be aware, however, that women must wear a head covering when visiting this attraction.

Another popular spot in Kyiv is Khreschatyk, Ukraine’s Main Street. There are many cafes and shops where you can buy souvenirs. If you’re lucky enough to be visiting Khreschatyk on a weekend, the street is closed to road traffic and oftentimes you will be entertained by street performers and musicians.

If you want to see historical churches, Kyiv is the place for it. Most popular are Saint Sophia’s Cathedral and Saint Volodymyr’s Cathedral. Saint Sophia’s Cathedral, named after Hagria Sophia in Constantinople, is famous for its beautiful mosaics. It is also home to the tombs of Kievan princesses. Saint Volodymyr’s Cathedral is the “mother cathedral” of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Another city to visit while you are in Ukraine is Lviv. One of the oldest cities in Europe, it is also considered a main center of Ukrainian national culture. A popular place to visit in Lviv is Market Square, with history dating back to the 14th century. A fire in 1527 caused its original Gothic style architecture to be rebuilt in Renaissance style, though you can still see some of the old Gothic elements. Market Square now consists of 45 historic buildings which highlight the city’s architectural history.

If you’re in the mood for entertainment, you need go no further than the Lviv opera and ballet theatre. Here, many theater companies perform. Lviv is also home to many museums, including the National Museum, the Museum of History, and the Museum of Ethnography and Crafts. For the adventurous, there is the Hoverla Mountain, which, at 2061m is the highest mountain in Ukraine. This beautiful mountain can be climbed in two to three days, offering a wonderful view of its meadows.

Ukraine is also home to beautiful historical castles. One you can see is Olesko Castle, a historical monument built in the 13th century. The castle is now a museum, where you can see paintings, sculptures, and other works of art. Another beautiful castle to see is the Kamianets-Podilskyi, where you can not only view the castle, but you can see the Cathedral of Saint Peter and Saint Paul.

Ukraine offers many more beautiful attractions, and if you have the time, you should see them all. If you see any of these attractions you are sure to have a wonderful time on your trip.


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