Best Dogs for Families with Children

Couples often get nervous when they decide to have their first baby because some dogs are not considered good pets for families with children. If you are concerned about keeping a pet along with your new family, here are some of the best dog breeds for families with children.

1. Golden Retriever
Golden retrievers are famous for their loyalty and companionship qualities. While they will defend their families, they are not known to get defensive with children. Families are easily able to integrate children into a household that already has a golden retriever as these dogs do not get jealous like other breeds. The one downside to having a golden retriever in your family is they do shed copiously, so you’ll be vacuuming along with changing dirty diapers and trying to get the baby to sleep.

2. Collie
Although your collie might not come to let you know if your child has fallen into a well like the most famous collie of all, Lassie, they are still wonderful family dogs. Collies are known to be especially gentle with children, almost as if they know kids require protection. Like the golden retriever, collies do shed, but you can also find mid-length collies with less fur. Collies also make great mixes with german shepherds, border collies and labrador retrievers, and breeding has shown that mixed dogs retain the collie’s loyal qualities.

3. Labrador Retriever
Regionally bred for hunting and fishing, you might think that the labrador retriever would be a dangerous pet to have around your family. However, this particular dog has become a regular household name among families with children. Although labradors tend not to outgrow puppy-hood for five or six years, your children will always have a furry friend with whom to play games. With shorter hair, they don’t shed as much as retrievers or collies, though some labradors are prone to sty’s and certain cancers.

4. St. Bernard
A gentle giant, St. Bernards are considered wonderful pets, particularly with infants. Many families have reported that their St. Bernards will stand watch over cradles and cribs and will even keep other family pets from getting near an infant or toddler. They are large, which can seem intimidating to a small child, but is you’ve raised your kids around large dogs, it shouldn’t be a problem. If you’ve seen Beethoven, then you probably know that St. Bernards are prone to drooling, but that seems to be the biggest vice of these wonderful animals.

5. Beagle
The beagle is a smaller dog with short hair and excitable temperaments. They are great dogs for older children because they never tire of playing in the yard or in the house and they are famously good “keepers” — in other words, they aren’t difficult to feed. Beagles do make good family pets, but it is usually best to house them indoors. Their rambunctious personalities lead them to the perimeters of fences to dig out, and they are notoriously capable escape artists.

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