Best Egg Laying Breeds of Chickens

With the upsurge in organic foods, there has also been an increase in the number of people seeking to raise their own chickens (and to thus get their own supply of eggs.) If you happen to be one of those people and want to know what breed of chicken will provide you with the most eggs, here is a list of five of what are (in my opinion) the best egg-laying breeds of chickens, along with the reasons why they make excellent choices for those raising their own chickens.

The White Leghorn

The white leghorn is easily the most prolific egg laying chicken, due to the fact that it has been extensively breed to be as productive as possible. The typical white leghorn pullet may lay more than 300 eggs a year, making them an ideal choice for those who want a chicken that will produce lots of large, white eggs. They do tend to be a little high-strung, so this should be kept in mind when deciding on whether to raise this breed of chicken.

The Buff Orpington

Hailing from England, the Buff Orpington is a beautiful and mild-mannered chicken that is well-known for being a very productive layer of large brown eggs. Although not as prolific as the leghorn, they are much more mild-mannered than their Mediterranean cousin, and are also ideal as children’s pets. They are also a hardy bird that does well in the winter, making them an ideal choice for those who live in cold climates.

The Plymouth Rock

Known as the all-American breed, the Plymouth Rock was once one of the most popular egg laying breeds of chicken in the United States. Although their popularity suffered a decline with the growth of hybrid chickens, they have experienced a resurgence. They are strong layers large brown eggs, and are also a hardy breed ideal for colder climates. They come in a variety of colors, including barred, white, buff, and many others.

The Minorca

Like their Mediterranean cousin the leghorn, the Minorca breed of chicken also lays white eggs, although they too also tend to be rather high-strung. The most popular varieties are black, buff, and white.

Rhode Island Red

The Rhode Island Red is also a breed noted for its historical roots in the United States. They are a very hardy breed, and they are some of the best producers of brown eggs. Furthermore, they are also a very beautiful breed of chicken, with glossy and lustrous red feathers. They do exceptionally well in cold weather, and are also ideal as pets for children.

Although they hail from different parts of the world, these breeds of chicken are the ideal choices if you are currently in the market for your own laying flock of chickens. Regardless of which laying breed of chicken you choose, however, be sure that you have the time and energy required to care for a flock of chickens (which can be quite demanding.) However, raising chickens, and eating the eggs that they produce, can be one of the most rewarding experiences for a small farmer or the amateur chicken enthusiast.

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