Best Home Remedies for Sunburns

Are you in need of sunburn treatment after spending a while bathing in the warm rays of sunshine? Whether you’re trying to get a perfect tan, hiking with your friends or playing outside with your kids, it’s a good idea to take a moment to apply a sunscreen to avoid getting sunburned.

Remember, preventing sunburn is the best sunburn remedy!

However, if it’s already too late for that and your skin is itchy, hurts to the touch and feels very hot, you’re probably desperate for some relief. The good news is that there are a few home remedies that you could try, using some stuff you probably already have in your kitchen cupboard.

Home remedy #1Vinegar or Apple Cider Vinegar – Vinegar is by far the most popular home remedy for sunburn treatment and fairly easy to use. You can put some vinegar in a spray pump and spray it over sunburned areas. Let the vinegar dry on its own, as using a towel to wipe it off will only irritate your sunburned skin.

If you don’t have a spray pump on hand, don’t worry. You can soak a rag in vinegar and then gently place it on the sunburned area.

Home remedy #2Yellow mustard – As surprising as it may seem, yellow mustard is a great home remedy for treating sunburn! If you have mustard in your fridge, you’re in luck – carefully apply mustard on the sunburned area and leave it there until it dries. Be extremely gentle as you try to wipe it off afterwards, as a towel might irritate your skin and make the whole process painful. A far better idea would be to rinse it off in a cool or lukewarm water shower.

Home remedy #3Yogurt – Whether plain or with a flavor, yogurt can provide great relief for sunburned skin. Apply it gently on your skin and leave it on until it is warm. The easiest way to remove it is by taking a shower in cool or lukewarm water. Make sure to delicately pat your skin dry with a towel rather than wipe so as not to irritate your sunburned skin further. After you’re done, you can apply a moisturizing lotion as well.

Home remedy #4Aloe Vera – Another bulletproof home remedy for sunburn treatment is aloe vera gel or lotion. As soon as you apply it to your burning, sunburned skin, it will help to cool it down and provide instant pain relief. Be gentle while applying it as not to cause unnecessary pain and irritation to your skin, and leave it on until it has absorbed.

Home remedy #5Baking soda – If you got sunburned on larger areas of your body (for example, your entire back, your legs, etc.), baking soda might be your savior. Prepare a lukewarm bath for yourself and add to it a box of baking soda. Then soak in the bath for about a half hour and you should feel much better. After patting your skin dry with a towel, you can apply some aloe vera lotion to help your skin be moisturized and heal faster.

Home remedy #6Tea bags – Who said that tea is only good for drinking? It is definitely a good home remedy for sunburn, especially if it’s your eyelids that got sunburned! Soak a couple tea bags (I think chamomile tea is best for this) in a bowl of cool water and then put them on your eyelids. You should start feeling relief from pain soon.

You can also prepare a tea bag bath to help soothe your sunburned body. Boil some water and stick a bunch of bags of black tea in it. Let it cool while you prepare your lukewarm or cool bath. When the tea is cool, pour it into your bath and enjoy the soak!

The above home remedies for sunburn treatment are only intended to help relieve mild sunburn. If your skin is bright red and extremely hot, it has blisters or you have fever, feel nauseous, vomit or get chills, you should seek medical help.

Please note:

This article is written for informational purposes only and the author of this article is not a health care professional. The advice included in this article is not intended to substitute medical advice by your health care professional and any treatment prescribed by your doctor. The author will not be held responsible for use of the advice in this article for any other purpose than informational.


Author’s own experience (supplemented by the knowledge of her family and friends)


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