Best Resources for Social Studies Teachers

In social studies it is extremely important for students to have access to multiple sources of information to learn to their full potential. It is important that we as a teachers take into consideration that not all children learn in the same way and that one source may work wonders for one student and be horrible for another student. That is why it is imperative for teachers to provide their students with several sources. It is also important to realize as a teacher that several sources can provide different perspectives on the same subject, giving the students a variety of information on a subject instead of a one source watered down with inaccuracies, omissions or discrepancies. Here you will discover the many resources available to students and teachers for learning and teaching Social Studies.

The School Library (Multimedia Center): The school or city library has an array of materials that can be a teacher’s best friend for teaching and learning social studies. Libraries allows teachers to have access to regular books; almanacs, atlases, and encyclopedias available at the teacher’s discretion. As a teacher you can borrow videos, documentaries, CDs, and other multimedia tools. Biographies, picture books, historical fiction, sympathetic journeys are also available and limitless when it comes to gaining access to social studies information in the library. The library is a very important resource to use, especially as a new teacher. You must take full advantage of what can be found within.

Textbooks: Textbooks are extremely important in the classroom. These books are so important because many are required text by the school districts to ensure that the students are learning what the state expects them to. These books have a huge variety of sources within them or associated with them. Most modern textbooks come with CD ROMS, websites, videotapes, project books, giant maps. Some others may even include plays, short stories, and speeches. Not only does the students’ textbook have resources, but the teacher’s version may have even more resources available. Many contain lesson and unit plans, connections to the literature curriculum, role-playing suggestions, discussion topics, classroom museum ideas, and formal/informal assessments. The textbook can be a great tool for a new teacher especially when most of the resources are already provided.

Community Resources: There are two basic ways that a teacher can use their local community as a resource. One is bringing some portion of the community to the classroom and the other is to take the class out into the community. As a social studies teacher it is extremely important to discover the many resources your community has to offer.

Guest Speakers: Inviting people to speak to your class or school can be a great educational experience. There are preparations a teacher must consider when inviting a visitor into the classroom. One is making sure that they have met with the speaker far enough in advance to discuss the subject and activities during their visit. The guest should be encouraged by the teacher to bring in resources, materials, tools, and visuals for the students. Slides, photos, and maps work great for guest speaking also. The teacher must also prepare the students for the guest speaker. The students must be ready to be respectful to the class’s guest, and also ready to ask questions and participate in activities.

Field Trips: Taking students out into the community for field trips is a great way to spark interest in a child. Being in a new environment and learning new things can be a great learning experience not only for the students but for the teacher as well. It is important that when teachers chose to take their students out of the school building that they consider planning as a priority. Poorly planned field trips can be worse than not having a field trip at all. It is important that the safety of the children is taken into consideration by the teacher and that the planning is adequate.

Computer Resources: Electronic field trips are now available on the computer. If you don’t have the time to take your students out of the classroom, then you can have them explore a place by simply logging onto the internet. The computer is a great tool and is basically essential for the modern classroom. There are three categories for the computer’s use in the classroom: Knowledge construction, skills application, and communication.

Newspapers: Current events are a vital part of learning social studies. Newspapers are the ideal resource for teaching students current events and reading instruction. Teachers should allow their students access to the newspaper and encourage using the newspaper in the classroom. Daily newspapers, national and international newspapers can be excellent teaching tools. Many local newspapers offer schools free papers for their students with just a simple call from a teacher. Using a newspaper teaches students about the world and life outside of their community.

Map and Globe Collections: If you are teaching social studies it is absolutely a must that you give your students access to maps and globes. Collections of maps can be found in the library, classroom, internet, textbook and more. Your students should be able to have access to globes, desk maps, wall maps, floor maps, and online maps.

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