Best Wash Park Restaurants in Denver: Washington Park Grille Review

If you want trendy without stuck up, hip without having to belong to the in-crowd, and elegant without being stuffy, then the Washington Park Grille in Denver is the place to be! One of the trendiest Italian eateries among Denver restaurants, the Washington Park Grille has managed to combine gleaming cherry wood with a relaxed atmosphere.

Located at 1096 South Gaylord Street in Denver, 80209, romantic diners are mixing it up with a group of buddies out for a beer and a night of FREE (!) pool. The Washington Park area of course is known for its small businesses and storefronts, old Victorian homes, and also offices located in such converted homes. The clientele by and large ranges from the business owner to the employee, hipster, college student, and trustafarian.

The kitchen of the Washington Park Grille in Denver is open daily from 11:00 AM until 10:00 PM, although the venue itself is open until 2:00 AM. Sunday nights there is live jazz from 6:00 PM until about 9:00 PM while Mondays there is also live entertainment until closing time. Thursday night is ladies’ night beginning at 4:00 PM and all drinks are only $2.

Happy hour takes place Monday through Friday from 4:00 PM until 6:30 PM. Even though beer is down to only $2 for everyone, the real draw is the 50% off appetizer menu! Since weekends are notoriously busy, you will be wise to go ahead and make reservations by calling 303-777-0707.

If it is warm enough, make sure to request a seat outside for dinner; it makes for fascinating people watching and friendly passersby may stop and chat for a minute or two as well. In recent months lunch has become a rather crowded affair as well, and so it probably would not hurt to go ahead and make reservations if more than two people will go to enjoy a meal at any time of the day at the Washington Park Grille.

Lunch will never be the same after trying the Baked Lobster Macaroni and Cheese appetizer which is simply to die for. Savvy friends know that the best bang for the buck is the appetizer menu and it is not uncommon to see a group each ordering a different one. Another favorite is the Italian Penne Pasta which comes with chicken breast and Italian sausage.

Dinner is a bit pricier, but if you have the green, the Washington Park Grille is one of the few Denver restaurants that will feature Delmonico Steak a la Tuscana. While most enjoy the Mile High Cheesecake (how can you go wrong with fresh berries?), I must confess that I have always been partial to White Chocolate Pudding and the Grille serves it with caramel sauce and vanilla gelato.

Parking is mostly located on the street and on weekends can be a bit of a challenge. Car pooling is encouraged and on warm nights many will opt for keeping their cars a few blocks away to enjoy a leisurely walk in the area.



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