Best Ways to Get Pregnant

Throughout my six year tenure as a Family Planning Health Educator, I was confronted by many young women who were highly concerned about their inability to successfully get pregnant. I discovered that this is a common problem amongst women of child-bearing age, particularly those over the age of 35. As a result, I have decided to share some of my most highly recommended solutions for treating infertility.

  • Know your Body– It is important for every woman to learn about her body if she wants to conceive. On average, ovulation occurs on the 14th day of your cycle. The problem is, every woman’s body is different and your cycle can fluctuate from month to month. Irregular periods is a common problem amongst women which can make predicting your most fertile days quite difficult. Some women may even ovulate twice in one month. Therefore, it is imperative that you know as much as you can about your menstrual cycle. Keep track of your most fertile days using a wall calendar or electronic tracker. There are many phone applications available that will assist you in monitoring the length of your menstrual cycle and the days when you are most likely to conceive. Most importantly, look for symptoms of ovulation (e.g. change in cervical mucus and basal temperature) and use a home ovulation test to predict when you are most likely to successfully conceive.
  • Take Fertility Pills-These are particularly helpful if you are over the age of 35. Fertility medications can promote and regulate ovulation. Fertility drugs may be prescribed by a provider or found over-the-counter.Both men and women can take fertility medication. Vitamin B12 has also been known to improve fertility and improve overall health.Remember it is important to speak with a provider before taking any new forms of medications or vitamins. Although fertility drugs can be quite effective, as with any drug, they can pose several risks. For instance, women taking fertility drugs may have multiple births (e.g. twins, triplets, etc.). For some, this would be a blessing but for others this may be more than they bargained for. Also, they can cause Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome or OHSS. This is a potentially life-threatening condition that occurs when too much fluid enters the ovaries. When this fluid is released during ovulation it can have very harmful effects. Your provider would be able to discuss with you the potential risks and determine if you are a good candidate for fertility drugs.
  • Eat Healthy and Exercise– Overweight and obese women tend to have a more difficult time conceiving than slimmer women. If you want to get pregnant, begin a healthier diet and shed some pounds with a safe and effective exercise regimen. Try to avoid extremely strenuous workouts as they can put too much of a strain on the body, affect the hormone levels, and even prevent ovulation. Also, limit your caffeine and alcohol intake as both can cause infertility and many health problems.
  • Take Care of your Health– If you are having trouble getting pregnant it may be due to an unknown health problem. Get annual gynecological exams and visit your primary physician for a check-up. Many factors can cause infertility including certain STD’s and uterine fibroids. If you are one of the many women who have fibroids, your doctor may advise you to get them removed before attempting to have a baby. Endometriosis and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome are both conditions that make it very difficult to conceive. Also, men should get checked for impotence and other sperm defects. Prolonged use of recreational drugs, malnutrition, stress, and low zinc levels can all cause males to struggle with fertility issues.
  • Have sex before you ovulate– Your most fertile days are the days leading up to ovulation. Not every woman’s body is the same; therefore, it is important to know when you are due to ovulate. Generally, you only have about a 24-48 hour window of opportunity to get pregnant during ovulation, since that’s the lifespan of an egg after it has been released. Therefore, your most fertile time should be 4-5 days prior to ovulation. Try to have sex as much as possible during this time frame which will increase your chances of conceiving. This does not mean you should exhaust yourself. Choose moments when you and your partner are calm, relaxed, and most aroused. Men produce more sperm the more aroused he is during the act. Therefore, it is important that both partners monitor their stress levels and aim to have sex when they are at a relaxed state both physically and mentally.
  • Avoid stress– Stress can make it very difficult to get pregnant. In fact, worrying about getting pregnant may decrease your chances of successfully conceiving. High level stress can prevent ovulation and put a strain on the reproductive system. In addition, stress can decrease one’s libido. Try to relax and enjoy the process rather than seeing it as work. Go on dates with your partner, go to a spa, or even practice yoga.
  • Try different positions– It is believed that certain sex positions make it more difficult to conceive, for example, woman on top. Try positions that involve lying flat on your back (e.g. missionary) and having your legs slightly elevated. It is also recommended that you do not jump up right after sex but remain laying on your back in order for sperm to travel to the womb more easily.
  • Stop using hormonal contraception at least 3 months before trying to conceive. There are certain hormonal contraceptives, such as Depo Provera, that can make conceiving difficult even after stopping it. This is because hormonal contraceptives alter the female hormones, particularly estrogen, and it may take time for your body to get back to its normal state. Often, it can take several months to ovulate after stopping birth control. Once your hormone levels start to regulate again, you should have an easier time getting pregnant.
  • Use a Fertility Monitor– similar to an ovulation test, use a fertility monitor to track your fertile days. In addition, this monitor tests your estrogen level and its fluctuation. It can be near impossible to conceive when your estrogen levels are low. With this monitor, you can determine if you produce enough estrogen in your body and predict when it will be at its peak in your cycle. It is important to remember that estrogen levels that are too high or too low can cause infertility. Symptoms of low estrogen may include an absent or late period, fatigue, infertility, and irregular periods. You may have an extremely high estrogen level if you suffer from irregular bleeding (spotting in between periods) and unexplained weight gain.
  • Quit Smoking- Cigarette smokers often struggle with infertility. If you are trying to have a baby, it is important that both partners work on quitting the habit. Not only can it do harm to the reproductive system but it also increases the likelihood of miscarriage and premature birth. Exposure to secondhand smoke can have the same harmful effects on one’s body. Avoid places where you are more likely to be exposed to secondhand smoke, such as bars and nightclubs. Encourage close family and friends to quit and avoid close contact with them while they are smoking.
  • Increase Vitamin C intake- Whether it’s through capsules or a large glass of Orange Juice, Vitamin C can be helpful to both men and women looking to conceive. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and it can produce a healthier sperm count and an all-around healthier you. Both men and women should drink at least one tall glass of pure orange juice pure day, particularly when they are trying to conceive.
  • Check your Progesterone levels: Progesterone is a very important female hormone that is needed to have a healthy pregnancy. It is produced by the ovaries during ovulation. Many factors can decrease the level of progesterone that a woman’s body may produce including poor diet and excess stress. Low progesterone levels in women can lead to infertility and increase your chances of having a miscarriage. Ask your provider to check your progesterone level to see if you may need a supplement. Progesterone tests can be done at your doctor’s office. Several blood tests over a period of several days may be needed to accurately track your progesterone levels.
  • Avoid lubricants during sex– Rely on natural lubrication during sex. Certain artificial lubricants contain ingredients that may damage sperm. You will definitely want to avoid any that are meant to kill sperm and prevent pregnancy. Try increasing foreplay with your partner to improve arousal. If more lubrication is absolutely necessary, try using warm water.
  • Get More Sleep– Lack of sleep can do a number on your fertility and your overall health. If you want to get pregnant, try to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. A well-rested body is more likely to get pregnant as sleep decrease the stress hormones and regulates ovulation. If you suffer from restlessness or insomnia, try winding down at least one hour before going to bed. Take a warm bath, read a book, or listen to relaxing music. Be sure to avoid using high radiation gadgets (e.g. iPad, e-readers, laptops) right before going to bed.
  • Don’t be afraid to speak to a fertility counselor. Aside from seeing your primary physician, it may be necessary to meet with a fertility counselor who can provide consultation based on your unique needs. A fertility counselor would be able to discuss the various options available to you and help you cope with any stress brought upon by struggling to conceive.
  • Consider In Vitro Fertilization– This procedure is very common. In vitro fertilization is an option for couples who have trouble conceiving. By this process, an egg is retrieved from the woman’s body and fertilized by sperm in a laboratory. Once the egg has successfully been fertilized, it is implanted into her uterus. Donor sperm and/or eggs can also be used if necessary. This method gives hope to couples who would normally be incapable of having a baby due to certain health problems and reproductive abnormalities. Unfortunately, in vitro fertilization isn’t appropriate for everyone. Also, women over 35 may find this method to be ineffective. Be sure to discuss this option with your provider to see if you are a good candidate.

If you are experiencing problems with infertility, it is important to remember that you are not alone. Also, as you can see, there are many options are available to you. Discuss them with your partner and find the one(s) that may work best for you. Having a baby is one of the most rewarding experiences in the world but be patient. Healthy parents produce healthy babies. Good Luck!


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