Biography of General Colin Powell

General Colin Powell is one of the greatest military men of our era. Having performed admirably in the military, politics and the public arena, he has contributed much to the United States, and has inspired minorities everywhere. A truly deserving Congressional Medal of Honor winner, Gen. Powell has been in the service of our country for nearly 40 years, and shows no signs of stopping yet. His beginnings, however, were not as auspicious.


General Colin Powell was born in the Bronx on April 5, 1937 to immigrant parents, Luther and Maud Powell, from Jamaica. Powell performed minimally in school, not excelling particularly until he reached the City College of New York. There he joined the ROTC (Reserve Officer’s Training Corps) and obtained a bachelor’s degree in geology, graduating in June 1958. Upon Gen. Powell’s graduation from college, he was ranked as a second lieutenant in the United States Army, and he entered the service at that time.


Throughout Gen. Powell’s military career, he excelled in any area he chose. He was a soldier for 35 years, working his way through the ranks in order to obtain his final designation, a 4-star General. He was lavished with medals and awards during this time for his excellent service, including the Purple Heart, Bronze Star and Army Commendation medals among his over 20 awards. He was involved with many large military campaigns, such as the Vietnam War and more infamously, the Iran-Contra affair Gen. Powell reached the rank of general in 1989, and after this saw only one further military assignment as a presidential appointee.


Gen. Powell’s first presidential assignment was from President Ronald Regan in 1987 as his National Security Advisor. Being a moderate Republican himself, Gen. Powell’s political campaign was just beginning, as the next president, George H. W. Bush was also Republican. President Bush kept Gen. Powell in his cabinet by naming him the 12th chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, the highest of military rankings. During this time, Gen. Powell was responsible for his last military assignment, overseeing the Persian Gulf War. He did not subscribe to President Bush’s idea of war, and came up with an idea of using brute force against Iraq while minimizing US casualties, an idea now known as the Powell doctrine. His loyalty to the US and excellent strategizing in the face of the Persian Gulf War, as well as his past successes in the Army led Gen. Powell to receive the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor. This award took place on April 23, 1991, given as the greatest civilian honor, bestowed by the Legislative branch of the US government. It is given to those who have shown great service to the US in the areas of security, prosperity or national interest.


Gen. Powell’s career was not finished once he left military life. In 2000, he campaigned for then governor of Texas George W. Bush, who won the US presidency that year. Being an excellent foreign policy advisor to President Bush during his campaign, Gen. Powell was appointed as the first African-American Secretary of State that same year. During his four years as Secretary of State, Gen. Powell saw horrible terrorists attacks (9/11) and the War Against Terror. He worked tirelessly with the international community to create a safer and more democratic world, and to rebuild post-war Iraq. On November 15, 2004, however, Gen. Powell decided to retire from the post of Secretary of State and enter private life.


Gen. Powell’s civilian life is just as impressive as his military or political careers. He has won other civilian awards such as two Presidential Medals of Freedom and the President’s Citizens Medal. He is currently married to his wife of many years Alma, and they have three children, a son and two daughters. Gen. Powell is currently employed by Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield and Byers, a Silicone Valley venture capital firm, but there is no way of knowing what else he might do. General Colin Powell is truly a man who’s life work will never be finished.


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