Blogging for Dollars: How to Make 100,000 Today!

I know that look – the hungry eyes, the twitchy keyboard fingers, the discarded coffee cups around your desk. I bet you’ve even had a Red Bull or two today haven’t you? You want to get out of your day job and make money blogging. You’ve got your own blog set-up and monetized every way you can think of: Auctions Ads, Google AdSense, Kontera. You probably even write for sites like Associated Content or PrintNPost as well. Oh, and I bet you take assignments from PayPerPost and Blogsvertise too, don’t you? Yes, I know the symptoms! You want to be the next ShoeMoney or John Chow. You want to be a web mogul; another Rich Jerk riding the seas of blogging fame and fortune.

Well, if you REALLY want to make 100,000 today, then I’ve got a sure fire system that’ll make it happen in just a few hours. This isn’t an MLM scam, it’s not a new affiliate program, and you don’t have leave links all over the place to do it. It’s been around since 1933, and sure there is a potential to lose money, but most people end up richer than they’ve ever been in their lives. Are you ready for it yet? Do you want to know this powerful money making secret that I’m giving it away? That’s right, you don’t even have to stretch your Paypal account to buy a $29.95 eBook!

The first thing you do is get two to four friends together and sit around a nice large kitchen table. Then, you find that old Monopoly game stashed in your closet and play it. Why? Because that’s most likely the only way you’re going to make 100,000 today.

That’s right. Sorry to bust your bubble, but Blogging for Dollars isn’t always a get-rich-quick gateway to getting your luxury yacht. Very, very few bloggers ever reach the income levels of John Chow or Shoemoney. That’s hard fact of life that you need prepare yourself for. If you think that you’re going to double your income in a month, you’re sadly mistaken.

However, that’s not to say that you can’t make money blogging. But, it takes a lot of time, patience and persistence. First you have to find your niche. Find something that you’re passionate about writing about so that your blog will be updated regularly. A blog that doesn’t get updated at LEAST three times a week might as well be dormant. You can’t just throw up a quick website, let it sit there and expect it to make you money. I don’t care how many ads you have on it. If there’s very little content, there will be very few readers to click on your ads. The key to ANY successful blog is: CONTENT. You have to write blogs that are WORTH reading to get more readers; not just 100 words or so rambling words.

The other two key elements you need to remember if you’re serious about making money online are: persistence and patience. I can’t stress this enough. It’s very easy to give up the first month or two when you’re not even getting enough ad clicks to meet Google’s monthly payout requirements. It kills me every time I see a site owner post records about how much they’ve earned from their sites – and not just the big time guys – but the smaller ones that only make $1,000.00 – $ 2,000.00 a month from their efforts. I don’t know about you, but I’d be elated with even that much extra income. But, the reason why they’re doing it – and you’re not – is because they didn’t listen to the people who told them they couldn’t do it. They listened to the ones who said they could and they learned from them. They scan the internet constantly, study successful bloggers and keep trying new ways to build traffic and increase their site income until they find the best system that works.

There is NO sure fire way to find overnight financial freedom, but there is a wealth of information out there for building your blog and earning money from it. Read the masters, don’t be afraid to explore new avenues, and above all else – keep writing.


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