Did you know that by the time a child is three, his brain has formed about 1000 trillion connections – that’s about twice as many as adults. A baby’s brain is super dense and will stay that way for the first ten years. After this, the brain will begin to get rid of extraneous connections, gradually sorting out the maze of dense information.
By playing certain games or doing certain activities over and over again in the toddler years, they actually make the connections of the brain in such play permanent. A child can “grow” the brain through singing, dancing, cuddling, rocking, talking, smelling or tasting. Playing meaningful games with toddlers will encourage the pathways of their brain to make new connections.
The best way to develop a child brain connection is to give the child what is enough. A safe and interesting environment to be filled with people exploring who will respond to child’s emotional and intellectual needs what is most of the family already to provide
Children simply need loving supports in their lives who read to them, sing to them, read to them; Hug and talk to them. Make a flash card and you don’t need videos.
Again… they simply expose them to a variety of experiences, activities and toys while providing them with the love and security they really need.
Here are a few ideas of games and activities you can do with your two-year-old to stimulate their brain. *Note: what are the signs of excessive tickling – fusion or fatigue.
*Mirror, Mirror: Children love to look at themselves in the mirror. Use this time to help your child think about different parts of the body to improve his observation skills. If the mirror is extended, you can have it jump, twist, clap and shake. I look at the different faces in my hand; about emotions, which words to insert; It is a good time to talk about feelings.
*Whispering Game: Two one year old whispering, especially once they can do it. Whispering helps the child to bend his voice; It is an important aspect of a healthy conscience and it helps a lot. This comes in handy at times when you want your child to be quiet!
* Musical instruments: If you can, arrange rhythm instrument modules for two years to explore different types of sounds. Drums, sand, blocks, triangles, staffs, bells. This kind of one-on-one healthy experience affects the neural circuitry in the brain that will be shaped for life. Building tools is as effective as it can be fun. Note how some sound, others differently. Remembering a simple rhythm such as patting your knee or clapping your hands and asking your child to do the same is all you need to strengthen these circuits in the brain.
*Grocery Shopping: Ask your child to help prepare a grocery list and once at the market, help him find the items. Examine fruit and vegetables for color and texture. At home, help remove the luggage. Praise him for his efforts. This activity promotes independence and complexity in the brain. It also makes grocery-shopping a bit of fun!
*Choose: This is a simple action about choosing a child to be released. Choose an outfit that you would like to wear on the day, food for a snack or play inside or outside. Discuss the pros and cons of choosing, but the very first thing in the mouth of the hospital is to put the care of the child.
*Reading Books: At this age, you can probably hold your child’s attention for quite a while with books. Rhyming words, descriptive words, and simple stories are now in demand. Don’t be surprised if you have a favorite book that you can read over and over again. This is great for simply word recognition and storytelling. Have fun and let your child “read” the book to you.
* Classic games: Rosy Circle, Duck/Duck, Playing Blocks, Wheels on the Bus, Spy, Sorting Toys, Hopscotch, Laundry basket< /a>, Coloring. These are all wonderful ways to develop a child’s spatial understanding, coordination, and complex brain connections.
Absolutely, give your child what he needs, which is a safe environment where he is eager to explore and filled with people who will provide him with love, comfort and support. By repeating simple games and activities, you can build your baby’s brain and develop a loving bond. Children are small for a while , enjoy while you can!