Build Your Own Counter Top Herb Garden

Infomercials advertise a plastic lighted hydroponic herb garden for only 4 payments of $39.99. Yes, it looks so cute, and lush sitting on their counter. But do you realize that adds up to $160 plus additional for shipping and handling. A little excessive for something you can build for less than $20. With a trip to the nearest homecenter for a few supplies, you can build your own little garden that can sit in that dark unused corner of your kitchen counter. Requiring no direct sunlight your herbs will grow like wild fire, success is guaranteed.

Hydroponics are a great way to grow vegetables as rapidly as possible. With a little research and a good source of the components to get set up and operating you can have excellent results. A source of everything you would need to set up your own hydroponic garden can be found at.

For this project I think it is far cheaper and more practical to proceed with good old fashion potting soil. The key to success is the fluorescent light that you will be providing to the plants, preferable around the clock. Herbs don’t require a large amount of soil to thrive, constant moisture and nutrients in addition to around the clock light is all that is required for a lush, but small garden.

The first step is to go to the electrical department of your homecenter. Find an under counter florescent light fixture about 12″-14″ long. A plus would be one with the fluorescent tubes exposed. If the fixture you find has a diffuser to soften the light for the use it was originally intended for, you can remove the lens to expose the bare bulbs.

Next you will need a length of 1″x4″ pine board about 8′ long, and about 3′ of 1/2″ wooden dowel, and a small box of 1-1/2″ finishing nails and a small container of wood glue. Next go to the garden center and look for a plastic flower box liner, something about 4″-6″ wide, 12″-14″ long, and 3″-4″ deep.

A small bag of top quality soilless potting mix and seeds for what ever you wish to grow, and your all set.

Taking into consideration the dimensions of the plastic box liner, cut 4 lengths of 1×4 from your 8′ length to build a box tightly surrounding the liner. Cut a 5th piece just long enough to fit inside to provide a bottom for your box. Nail and glue your box together.

Cut two lengths of dowel, at least 12″ long, and at most slightly less then the distance from your counter top to the bottom side of the cabinets above the counter. Pre-drill a couple small holes through the dowel and nail and glue one to the center of each end of the wooden box. The box should sit on the counter now with the dowels extending up vertically, almost reaching the bottom side of the cabinets above the counter.

Take a drill, just slightly larger then the finishing nails you have, and drill a series of holes along the length of the vertical dowels. Make sure the nails will pass through the holes easily, as these are the adjusting holes for setting the height of the fluorescent light fixture.

Take another length of 1×4, long enough to reach beyond both ends of the flower box, passing the dowels by 1-1/2″ on both ends of the box. Mark and drill two 1/2″ holes so the board will ride up and down on the two vertical dowel rods.

Before you attach the light fixture you may want to stain or paint your small garden to make it more attractive in your kitchen. Decorative stencils would be a good way to dress it up and bring out that Country look you may be trying to achieve.

Attach the light fixture to the bottom side of the adjustable board that will ride up and down the vertical dowels. With a couple finishing nails for adjusting pegs, your garden is complete and ready to fill with seeds.

There are a couple of options from this point, as to how you want to fill your garden.

1. Fill your tray with potting soil, plant seeds, cover with plastic wrap for a green house effect. Water regularly and fertilize as directed by the instructions on what ever fertilizer you chose.

2. Place a 1″ layer of the green Styrofoam block material that florists use inside the bottom of of the tray. Fill the rest with potting soil, seed, water, cover with plastic, etc. etc. This will allow you to maintain more water in the planter without drowning the plants. You will need to add water and nutrients less often.

3. Go full blown hydroponic, with the chemicals and everything. Even on a small scale, you’ll be amazed at how fast things will grow.

Once your plants have sprouted and are starting to establish, remove the plastic wrap covering. Lower the light fixture down low to provide both warmth and light. As the plant grows, adjust the height of the light so it doesn’t touch the plants, but keep it as low and close to the plants as possible.

Plants don’t require a rest period, if you leave the light turned on all the time, they will grow all that much faster. A small fluorescent fixture can also act as a night light in your kitchen, as the amount of light is low enough to not be annoying. The amount of electricity it will use is negligible. If the light bothers you, an inexpensive timer could turn it off for you during those hours, but remember the trick to fast growth is to supply as much light as possible.

A final note, don’t be fooled by so called Growth Lights, a simple, plain fluorescent light is every bit as effective, and is available at a fraction of the cost.

So get started to day, a month or so down the road you can enjoy fresh Herbs and Greens on your salads.

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