You need to use a measuring tool when you are doing woodworking projects. Once you have chosen the materials, you will need to measure and mark for cutting. For this you need a tool, straight and marked. The ultimate success or failure of your project may be determined at this stage. Here’s how to use it.
Getting the project on the right feet hanging on the right measuring carefully. A tight fit requires measurements and cutting within 1/32″ or 1/64″ for delicate stores. Less critical bookshelf boards and cut pieces< /a> can be within 1/16. For a rough measure, you can use a ruler or a metal tape measure Whatever tool you use, measure twice and cut only once.
Steel Tape Measure
For longer measurements, use a folding steel tape, the longer and wider the better. The hook end of the tape measure is loosely attached, so that it will fit the defined “inside” and “outside” measurements. The case should also be 2 or 3 inches long for accurate measurements inside. Most tapes are marked in increments of 1/16, accurate enough for casting.
Bank Rules
A bench rule is a standard iron or wooden rule 1″ to 2″ long. Usually increments are marked 1/8″ on one side and 1/16″ on the other. The seat rule is suitable for short measurements and provides a firm straightness against the mark. For maximum accuracy, measure from the “inside” mark, not the end.
Compound Square
The square blade combination excels for precise, short measurements. The power of this tool offers several advantages. If you don’t own a square combination, consider buying one. It could be one of your most useful tools.
Smith Square
Usually a carpenter’s tool for fabrication and planning, a 16″ by 24″ square is great for laying out lines and for checking square, while the square for the joint is narrow.
Slipped T-Bevel
To mark the 90o or 45o corners across the board, use a concrete square. For other angles between 0o and 180o use an adjustable T-bevel, generally for fixed angles from transfer pieces. Its blade can be trimmed to any angle with the help of a protractor. Some have marked angles on the face.
Compass or Wing Dividers
Simple, a circle of scholars measuring work limits. It also draws circles or arcs. Feather dividers are more precise, but at a greater expense. They have a red screw that holds the legs in place. Use them to transfer small measurements or enter equal marks. For large curves and circles, the top of a thin board or standard material, hold the stylus against the board to the desired radius, and vice versa.
Most projects require some lines to be drawn, some straight, some curved, some at a particular angle. The first tool you will need for this will be a sharp scribe, a sharp utility knife, or a well-sharpened pen. A bookkeeper or a knife marks the line more accurately, but note that the leaves cannot be erased; pincello can.
Some marking tips: For straight lines and marks, bend the pencil, draw as much blush as possible against the lines. When measuring the cut board, first mark, then draw a line so that the thickness of the line lies outside the measured area. To transfer the uneven lines to the board, use a circle or a circle.