Causes of Road Rage

These are the folks who do not use a turn signal and will pull out in front of you and then do not get up to the speed limit. Ever.

Inconsiderate drivers are becoming more numerous everyday, so much that by the third mile of any drive, most people will have encountered at least one of these rude people. They will tailgate, flip the middle finger if you are not going the speed they think you should be, and the days of calmly stopping and talking it over are long gone. Now, that will end in a fight and maybe even a hospital trip.

What causes Road Rage specifically.

Inconsiderate drivers that linger 3 car lengths away from the next vehicle, forcing cars to wait in dangerous intersections because these inconsiderate people will not look in the mirror, see the danger to someone else, and pull up. They speed up on curves and slow down in the straight ways. They do not stay in their own lane or dim their brights for oncoming traffic and of course, they drive too fast. The rules of the road do not exist for these people and it causes anger, which quickly turns to rage when you protest and are verbally assaulted even though you did nothing wrong.

Inconsiderate drivers are the causes of road rage. Very few people get behind the wheel planning to flip out and hit someone with their car. Road rage comes from having your life endangered over and over again by people who really have little business being on the road in the first place. Many are too young, too old, too blind, too distracted, or too inexperienced for the vehicles they are driving. Makeup appliers, business call takers and for pete sake, stop putting the tiny teenager in the huge SUV. She can not even see over the dashboard and you have given her an enormous weapon! Stop it.

Road rage is wrong, inexcusable, and very dangerous. A car or truck is a weapon and should be respected as such but on the other hand, a person who drives 30 miles encounters 5-8 of these inconsiderate people and will have at least 3 close calls because of them. After half that, anger is the dominate emotion. Road rage is never acceptable but it is understandable. No one likes to be treated badly.

Want to eliminate it? Good luck. The causes of road rage can be lessened, though. Implement a stiffer driving test that has a common sense part. Many of the inconsiderate people claim to not be aware of these things. Put it on the test and then they can not use it as an excuse. There should also be a law that makes you re-take the road course every five or ten years, with it becoming every year over the age of 50. Why? If they can not tell the brake from the accelerator, then they do not belong behind the wheel of a riding mower, let alone a car.

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