Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments of Leukoplakia

Leukoplakia is a disorder involving the tissues lining the mouth and tongue. It creates a thickened area with a firm and rough white patch. Leukoplakia is commonly seen in people who use tobacco products such as cigarettes and chewing tobacco. In a small percentage of cases it has the potential to develop into cancer. Because of this it is important to understand the symptoms and risks associated with the development of leukoplakia.

What are the symptoms of leukoplakia?

In the early stages of the disorder, there will be no visible symptoms of leukoplakia. As it progresses, leukoplakia will present is a small white patch somewhere in the mouth. If you were to feel this patch, it would feel rough, firm, and quite stiff. This area will typically become quite sensitive to spicy food.

What causes leukoplakia?

The exact cause of leukoplakia is not well understood. Some people attribute the development of the disorder to deficiencies in vitamins, specifically A and B vitamins. Chronic your occasion an injury to the mouth can potentially lead to this disorder. This is often seen in people who drink excessive amounts of alcohol, or use tobacco products. People who eat large amounts of hot and spicy food are also a potential risk.

Tobacco products which have the potential to cause leukoplakia include cigarettes, types, cigars, and even chewing tobacco. People who use dentures that do not fit properly can often cause chronic your occasion to the tissues of the mouth, leading to leukoplakia.

Why should I worry about leukoplakia?

It is estimated that up to 5% of people who develop leukoplakia will ultimately developed cancer in the mouth. Even after successful treatment, the incidence of new leukoplakia plaques in the future is quite high. Aside from the issue of cancer, which is severe on its own, touches of leukoplakia can be quite uncomfortable, and can greatly impact your quality of life and ability teat and drink.

How is leukoplakia treated?

The first step in treating leukoplakia is to identify the cause of the irritation. If you are a smoker, you should try to quit. Alcohol consumption should be avoided, especially during an active case of leukoplakia.

Some doctors will choose to take a biopsy of the affected tissue in order to determine if it has become cancerous or not. Patches of leukoplakia can be removed with surgery. The surgery usually involves numbing the area of the mouth which is involved, and excising the leukoplakia tissues.

Proper oral hygiene is very important during the treatment of leukoplakia, and to prevent it from recurring in the future. Brushing and flossing your teeth regularly can reduce the healing time for leukoplakia.

If you see a lesion in your mouth which you suspect may be worrisome, make an appointment to see your doctor. There are many causes of sores in your mouth, and leukoplakia is only one of them. In order to determine what the cause of your problem may be, your doctor will need to examine you.

If you have questions about leukoplakia, it is best to talk to your doctor. There are many aspects of this condition that are best dealt with between the doctor and patient directly. It is certainly a condition that needs to be treated carefully and aggressively.

source: Medical school and experience as a practicing physician.

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