Chinese Shar Pei: A Guide to Pure Breed Identification

Since our ancestors date back thousands of years, the Chinese Shar Pei is considered a highly intelligent, family-oriented dog. Brought to the United States in the 1960s, the Chinese Shar Pei are considered a major financial investment in terms of breeding dogs and show dogs. With approximately 10,000 registered in the United States, owning a Chinese Shar Pei is a unique experience for a dog lover. Understanding identification, personality and unique medical issues will ensure an educated purchase in a purebred dog and a healthy and fulfilling life for your Shar Pei.

Chinese Shar Pei dogs are historically a loyal and obedient breed. Training a very independent puppy is considered very simple, as it takes place in short lessons where praise and treatment are used as positive reinforcement. Because the Chinese Shar Pei is somewhat independent, training documents for more than 30 minutes are not recommended as the Chinese Shar Pei may become futile and appear to be stubborn and stubborn. This, of course, is not considered a negative concept as the Chinese Shar Pei is simply a dog that demands respect and, as evidenced by more than 30 minutes, it is considered a violation of their understanding.

In addition to their loyalty and obedience, Chinese SharP Pei make great pets and family pets. Requiring daily exercise, the Chinese Shar Pei can live inside the apartment and look forward to a daily walk which again can be limited to 20 to 30 minutes. Adapted to most summer and winter climates, the Chinese Shar Pei can reside within any region of the United States, as long as the Shar Pei remains in a pet shelter. Fast learners, the Chinese Sharpie Pei will delight families with children and families without children.

When considering the purchase of an AKC registered Chinese Shar Pei, there are unique characteristics unique characteristics that are important to note when caring for a dog A pure gentleman. They are characterized by a solid coat, a dark tongue, a tail that hangs over the back and small curled ears. Additionally, the Chinese Shar Pei, when standing, usually stand with their feet pointing outwards, which is considered a sign of strength. A Shar Pei with a spotted coat or spotted tongue is not considered a purebred or a genetic defect of a purebred. This Shar Pei is not eligible for AKC registration.

Prior to acquiring a Chinese Shar Pei, understanding their unique health conditions is vitally important. Chinese Shar Pei usually live eight to 12 years. At birth, the skin is wrinkled, but with age, the wrinkles will reduce and remain only around the head and feet. Because of the excess skin, the Chinese Shar Pei suffer from various health conditions such as snoring, growling and the inability to take a large amount of food or water in the mouth. Additionally, an excess of skin may be found in skin diseases in which the eyelids roll and scratch the cornea, ultimately leading to blindness. Dry and smelly skin is common if the coat and diet are not followed. In terms of food, low protein diets are recommended.

For dog lovers, Chinese Shar Pei make a great addition to a family of any size and type. As guard dogs are considered, the Chinese Shar Pei are loving and obedient. With a purebred Shar Pei typically selling for $300-$500, the AKC’s Shar Pei is a great investment in registration and future breeding opportunities.


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