Church Signs Can Be Uplifting and Give You a Good Laugh

As the fasting days of the holidays approach, they throw out more slogans of the Church to attract people to the church. As I’ve traveled around the St. Louis area, I can’t help but notice them and the point they’re trying to make.

Some signs are very vivid and uplifting. Other signs warn of things to come. But most signs either give me a smile or make me think a little. Singing phrases or one line of speech.

I used to have that sign used to announce church schedules and upcoming events. But the signs are mostly used to convey a message that might appeal to the passerby. The signs are quick to print. Many times it will make a person smile or laugh.

But coming up with single line songs is sometimes difficult to do. Mistakes are made. Here are a few signs of emblems that don’t quite live up to their billing. (no pun intended) “I sez it’s finished, cuz I ate my lice, I’m a savior Jesus”. I mean, did Spinach save me? Who really loves spinach? “If you don’t believe in hell, then come and hear our preacher.” I wonder if the preacher will put it. Another one is “Relief comes in the morning when you’ve been on your knees all night.” That slogan could be taken in different ways. How about “0” we thank the Lord. To me, no means no. Another sign that my wife really liked said, “Too many marriages are better or worse, but not for good.” The sign in Arkansas said. “Walmart is not the only place to save.”

Some of the emblems are clearly mean. “Calvinism is a heresy. He will be happy here when pigs fly.” Another sign said, “How is your poster?” I think he understood the situation. If Jesus can take his donkey to church on Sunday, then Can you

One sign tried to use the laying on of hands sign that said “massagegift certificates here”. Another slogan is related to Star Trek with the slogan: “Jesus, lift me up.”

Some signs have grammatical errors like the one found in Southern Missouri that said “Jesus or Elsie. I wonder who’s Elsie” Another sign He said, “Your adventure begins with the leaf god.”

Some signs are confusing like the one who said “the optimists put their shoes on when the pastor finally”. Or how about “What doesn’t kill you now will kill you later.” duhhhh!

But most of all, it is an emblem to be lifted up. Here are a few. “Be yourself, take care of the rest.” “Correction does a lot, but comfort does more.” No one lives so pleasantly as those who walk in faith. “Even a small star shines in the darkness.”

There are some critics of different emblems. People have their reasons. That one calls driving. I guess I can’t keep my eyes on the road. Other people say that they don’t want the church to stifle their opinion. For some religious people say that religion is contemptible. For under the age of 20, many people think that getting a cheesy logo is the way to go. Others, however, think that the Church’s policy of action is drawn too far with one swift line.

One thing is for sure, everyone passing by has to read the slogans. Some people also look to see if new slogans have been changed periodically.

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