English-as-a-second language, beginning of the class is a great way to start the class and get the students thinking about learning English. Many esl students come to your school from an atmosphere where Latin is not spoken. If you are like me – be careful in a foreign country for kids – they are to be taught, they often come from businesses or homes where English is not the dominant language, and they chat with friends, clients and colleagues all day long in their native language. A warm simple takes ESL students in the right place and makes the English language synapses easier in ESL students and all important esl teacher.
Warming up should be a part of your daily lesson and of course after your greeting it is the first thing you do with your esl students b>. The exercise should be easy enough that all students can participate. The participation of all students is important because this creates a focus on the English language in He takes the students ready to listen to their teacher.
For element age esl students started daily lesson plan with verse ABC of poetry. It’s like kids really. The first verse is at a slow / regular pace and the second, as in the first, is sung much faster, as if in a round. I have a CD-ROM we use for this warm up, but you can also use the link from this page http://www.kleutertaal.nl/contents/media/flash/alphabetsong.swf. This page has a nice version of the ABC song and if you are lucky enough to have a recent school computerized nice Video games to have with him Or you can Play piano or guitar.
For middle school, high school and adult esl students I use other simple to encourage exercise . There are variations on the same theme.
1 Write the letter on the board or computer projection screen and ask the esl students to call out the words that < They begin with that letter. Eg “D”: dog, dolphin, d ifficult, dad, don’t, d < /b>rink, etc.. Then he writes doctor. these words on the board, review the list with your esl students when you are finished.
2 Write the letter on the board or computer projection screen and ask the esl students to pronounce the words which end with that letter. For example “D”: word, and< /b>, find, could, mud , sand, etc.. Then the teacher writes these words on the board, review the finished list with your esl students.
3 Write the number on the board or computer projection screen a> and ask the students to call the words that have a certain number of letters. For example “7”: student, literature, Latin, Germany, without, etc.. Then the teacher writes these words on the board, list with your esl students when you finish.
4 Write a word on the board or computer projection screen and the students start with the last word they call< /a> letter 1st word finally using the last letter of the 2nd word, cry out a new word. This is similar to the Chain Spelling game. For example: cat, tomato , open, nose, eelephant, etc. .. Then the teacher writes these words on the board, list them with your students when you are finished.
For other fun and ready to lesson plans you will see some esL Lectio Plan .