Clean Air Gardening Supplies: Environmentally Friendly Products

Clean Air Gardening Supplies is one of several online companies that offer a green solution to maintaining the lawn and garden while helping the environment. Everyone is looking for environmentally friendly products now days, and with the pressure on to save resources, and the necessity to try to preserve our earth and create a clean air environment the demand for environmentally friendly products is becoming a priority for many people.

Clean Air Gardening Supplies is one of the online companies that offer a wide variety of environmentally friendly products allowing you to maintain your commitment to the environment while still accomplishing the necessary maintenance for your lawn and garden.

Clean Air Gardening Supplies is a reputable online company started by a frugal environmentally conscious gentleman by the name of Lars Hundley. The idea for the company was first sparked when he purchased a Push Mower from a retail store and the rest is history. Now everyone is able to purchase environmentally friendly products to maintain their lawns and gardens from Clean Air Gardening Supplies.

What kind of products will you find at Clean Air Gardening Supplies? Well to start the Clean Air Gardening Supplies does actually sell Push Reel Mowers to this day offering name brands such as Sunlawn MM2 Manual Push Reel, Brill Luxus 33 Small Manual Reel Mower, Scott’s Classic Reel Lawn Mower, Putting Green Reel Mower and more. Prices begin at approximately $129.00 and up.

Other environmentally friendly products available from Clean Air Gardening Supplies include, Ceramic Composts Crocs, Easy Seed Sprouters, Recycled Plastic Compost Bins, Circle Hoes, Organic Fertilizers, Organic Pest Control, Garden Arbors, Rain Barrels, Rain Chains, Rain Water Redistributors and more.

The Rain Barrels available at Clean Air Gardening Supplies are offered in different sizes and shapes. This is one of the most environmentally friendly products ever. Rain barrels are considered the ultimate in recycling. The Rain Barrels available at Clean Air Gardening Supplies are made from recycled barrels and are generally in high demand.

They have been food barrels previous and are therefore safe to use as rain barrels. By using rainwater to water your lawn and garden you are making a commitment to the environment as well as nurturing your gardens and lawns. The prices of the Rain Barrels vary based on the size but in general range between $99.99 up to $299.99.

Compost Bins are a must in the fight to save the environment. Through the use of Compost Bins one of the top environmentally friendly products, you save money and your lawn and garden benefit from the free organic fertilizer. Compost Bins available at Clean Air Gardening Supplies come in all sizes and begin at approximately $39.00.

If you are interested in environmentally friendly products for your lawn and garden visit the Web site for Clean Air Gardening Supplies today. They may also be reached by phone at 214-363-5170.


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