Handbags have become the most popular accessory on the market over the past year. With thousands of styles to choose from, finding the perfect handbag that fits your style can be difficult. As smart as women are, we still tend to pick the wrong bag for our body type. Believe it or not ladies, a fabulous handbag can ruin your whole look if it doesn’t match your fit.
When I say “fit” I mean the size of your body. We are all aware of the different shapes of sizes of women. But, did you know that certain handbags look better on certain people? I know…your thinking, “WHAT!” It’s hard enough having to deal with weight issues, now we have to worry about our handbag making us look bigger?
Relax, I’m not saying that your handbag will make you look bigger. I’m just saying that a handbag that complements your size as well as your look, is always best. Lets use Coach handbags for our sizing examples. Coach has a massive variety of sizes for all body types.
Let’s say you are 5′-9″ and thin. You are the luckiest of all body types because you can pretty much get away with any size handbag. With the length of your body you can wear a large Coach Signature Stripe Tote(15″(L) x 12 1/4″(H) or a Coach Hamptons Signature Large Hobo(14 1/2″(L) x 13 1/2″(H)). These bags cover the middle of the body and allows the body to still be shown. Try not to get too carried away with your sizing though.
Remember, there are handbags for wearing and handbags for travel luggage. We don’t wear our luggage for everyday wear. You will look especially nice if you are carrying a small Coach handbag such as the Coach Carly(9″(L) x 6 1/4″(H)). Just be sure it fits snug under your arm. Wearing it this way shows off the waist line. It also makes the body look longer for those who are going for the tall look.
Let’s say you are 5′-3″ and round. You are going to want to go with the smaller handbag like the Coach small hobo or the Coach small soho. These bags will make you look taller than you really are and if worn under the arm, draws attention to the top of the body. Larger bags will only make you look shorter. And quite possibly wider.
Let’s say you are 5′-6″ and curvy. Look for a handbag that accentuates your waistline. The Coach Legacy leather satchel in medium or the Coach Legacy leather hippie in medium will look great for your size. Wearing medium sizes are best for your body type because it falls just above the waist. Showing off that sexy curve of yours thats just above the hip area.
Let’s say you are full figured or plus sized. Wearing larger bags like the Coach large Tote handbags are best for your body type because they are made wider and larger and help to make the body look smaller. A smaller Coach handbag with smaller straps will only add to your size and possibly make you appear bigger than you really are.
Making the right choices for you handbag is essential when putting your whole look together. Having a handbag that is too small or too big can ruin a great look. You wouldn’t put on a patent leather shoe with sweats would you? No!! Wearing the wrong handbag can do the same damage to your look. Some handbags can flatter your body type, whether it be big or small.
Also, try mixing up your handbags. Wear a different handbag for different occasions. If you are wearing jeans, wear a sportier handbag like the Coach Scribble. If you are dressed up for a special occasion, wear the Coach Signature clutch.
For all other attire, the Coach leather handbags always look nice. Just try to match the bag with the shoes. We all have to have a brown and black handbag. Having more than one Coach handbag is a must. Some of us, like myself, have to have a lot.