Columbine and Virginia Tech Massacre Similarities

The date of the latest school shooting was not a coincidence, evidence is mounting that the shooter, Cho Seung-Hui, a 23-year-old senior and English major at the school, planned the attacks to satisfy demons within, just as did the killers of Columbine, Eric Harris and Dan Kleibold. The Columbine killers left a detailed video tape, dedicated to Quentin Terintino (their favorite Hollywood slasher director) discussing in a mocking sadistic tone the horrors that they planned to execute. While not quite as theatric, Cho left a written diatribe to justify his crime. He railed against debauchery and phoniness of campus life. He attacked Christianity in this letter, and stated that the end was near, a deed was to be done.

The Columbine killers railed against the high-status cliques that excluded them and dominated the social life of the high school, Cho was similarly estranged. He ranted against homosexuality and pedophilia, and began a strange enticement to Islam. Before his killing spree, Cho wrote the words “Ismail Ax” in red on his arm, and signed this final letter with the same. Ismail is the Koran spelling of Ishmael, the son of Abraham, and patriarch of Arabians, the seed of Islam. “Ax” conjures up images of a violent murder.

The students acquaintances already knew how crazy Cho was. They were *already discussing* (before the time of the shootings) if Cho was going to be the “next school shooter” to come on the scene. It has been reported that he had stalked two other girls on that campus. The students knew him and to be disturbed and stayed out of his way, Only a small matter of timing saved the life of his roomate Monday morning, who slept in and was unaware of the carnage. His teacher wanted to take him out of the class (and that was a year prior). The university and the police were informed. One of his written plays has been circulating on the internet. It contains references and language too vile to quote here, but was sufficient to have his instructor refer him for counseling. Similarly, the Columbine killers were taking mood medication, and the police had been informed of their threats and bomb-making. The destructive antics and threats of Harris and Kleibold had been reported to the authorities on many occasions. But the authorities just shrugged, and acquaintances just avoided the uncool and the awkward.

The Columbine killers were experienced bomb makers, and did plant a propane bomb in the high school cafeteria. To this day, no one knows why this bomb did not detonate. Cho, had been terrorizing the Virginia Tech with a series of bomb threats in recent days.

One of the special plans that the Columbine Killers fantasized about, after killing at the High School, they would go to the airport and hijack an Airliner, and then die by crashing the plane into a Skyscraper. The Columbine incident occurred in 1999, two years before the World Trade Center attacks. If there is such a thing as evil, demonic possession, and such possession can direct the heart to commit unspeakable crimes, is it not strange that the suicidal young man must kill as many others as possible? If the young man is suicidal, why not just take his own life alone? We are dealing with more than suicide, we are confronting pure evil. An evil so public that it seeks to claim as many lives as possible.

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