Common Misdiagnoses Due to Vitamin B12 Deficiency

I recently sent two of my family members to be tested for a gene called Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor. There is a reason, I was diagnosed with it myself, and I learned that it is genetic. My doctor could not tell me much about this gene because it is quite new to American doctors. So I need to do the most research I can to get some straight answers about this Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Gene. I have found that this type is linked to a variety of diseases and disorders. Many of the problems that arise from this type of gene are also common complaints that my family members have. .

Fortunately, the family members who were tested did not come back positive for the Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Gene. Instead, they came back with test results that revealed Vitamin B12 Deficiency. That would be easy to overlook, if it weren’t for the fact that my family wanted to do a lot of blood work. Actually, Vitamin B12 deficiency is one of the most common disorders that are overlooked by doctors. It is not that your doctor lacks common sense; It’s just that there are conditions for us to look for other ailments. Prescription drug manufacturers target doctors more than they target us. In fact, I read a story written by a man who left medical school in the United States of America. The reasons are more about behavior than about reality. In his history he explained that many of his classes and seminars were prescribing medication rather than preventive treatment. He ended up running across seas to do it, taking care to avoid writing from scripts all day.

So one may wonder what conditions are associated with vitamin B12 deficiency?

Here are the conditions that I could find, if there are more.

Pernicious Anemia


In the first attack of Alzheimer’s disease

Muscle tremors




Strokes at a young age


Metabolic syndrome

And, clemency

I’m sure there are other conditions that are linked to vitamin B12 deficiency, but I’ve been able to find them all now. I actually decided to buy a book about my issues, titled: Could It Be B12? The Misdiagnosis Epidemic was written by Sally M. Pacholok, R.N. Jeffrey J. Stuart, D.O.

What are some symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency?

Loss of Appetite


Numbness in hands and feet


Shortness of breath



Mouth Mouth and Language

Confusion or change in mental status

You should ask your doctor to screen you for vitamin B12 deficiency to be sure if this is a problem. B12 deficiency is known to cause the exact symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, and dementia.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is thought to be so common that Scientists have no way of accurately predicting how many people are walking around unaware that they have this problem. One of the reasons that this condition is so common is that Vegetarian and Vegan lifestyles are on the rise. The reason is that vitamin B12 is only found in foods of animal origin. Meat, fish and any production made from milk. Well, at least you can explain to me the constant cravings for milk. Another reason is that our bodies decrease there ability to absorb vitamins properly as we age. This usually starts in our forties and becomes much worse after we hit sixty.

Well, I’m not a vegetarian or vegan for over 40 years. It is a good thing that the epidemic of this cause is as common as it is. It is suspected that my family has a genetic tendency that causes Malabsorptionof Vitamin B12. Substances can be missing that are in our digestive tracts tract”> lack substance. Intrinsic factor is a protein made by your gut and is necessary to absorb B12. It’s a lake course or no bike, you need to get to the front door.

Some of you may think that the problem problem solved easily just by taking a daily multi-vitamin. Of course, if you have a condition that prevents the absorption of Vitamin B12, taking a multi-vitamin will not help. The solution is either going for weekly vitamin B12 shots or taking a liquid B complex solution that can be absorbed under your tongue.

As I said before, you should consult with your doctor if this is your problem. Especially if you have conditions or symptoms associated with vitamin B12 deficiency. The prescription of artificial drugs is actually calculated because you are misdiagnosed with conditions B12 Deficiency. Deficiency correct diagnosis of B12 Deficiency can save you thousands of dollars in prescription costs. The reason is that the pharmaceutical industry is a 275 billion dollar a year corporation. It’s also the reason that Prescription drug advertising is banned in every country except here in the United States. These nations of people are tired of believing that they have all these complex problems that can be corrected with a healthy lifestyle.

Oh, I can’t believe I almost forgot to mention this. At the beginning I mentioned that I was diagnosed with Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Gene, which causes blood clotting. After looking up vitamin B12, I learned that it was a deficiency that led to the formation of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor. It can also be associated with many other disorders blood clotting.

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that means your body gets rid of what it doesn’t need. So increasing your daily dose is safe as long as it is not in the form of a multi-vitamin that contains fat soluble vitamins. .

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