Computer Lab Assistant: The Best Campus Job for College Students

If you started college this year, you probably found that you need a side job. Maybe you need to pay for those books you don’t know, you’d need, or maybe you just want to spend some extra money. It’s a great idea to find a job on campus – it’s convenient and there are many cool opportunities. The best of all are jobs jobs with a low amount of your time – I had one such gig.

Early on in my college days I became a computer lab assistant, and it was great. The hourly wage was low, but it was ideal for me. A computer science major, my fellow geeks and I spend hours in the lab working on my homework. Not going to the cisterns, no fresh breath air I sat under a tree doing my work. In computer science you are bound to work in your lab. So when the lab assistant job came up, I jumped at the chance.

The role of a computer lab assistant basically consists of answering basic questions, filling out papers on a printer, and making sure that general order is maintained in the lab. The lab I worked at was a small computer lab, so most people who came in didn’t need too much help, and frankly, I completed the paper on the printer just before I started working there. I knew most of the students entering, and if something really went wrong (the network went down, for example), all I had to do was wake up the and assigned

I could spend time getting my lab work done, so I could make money at the same time as I would otherwise spend time in the lab. This worked out so well for me (and others in the computer science major) when it was impossible to hold down a job and focus on some intensive classes.

If you get a job, a computer lab that is for the general population of students will probably have more knowledge of software and hardware. they need a computer lab. For example, you will probably need to focus on the Microsoft-office”>Microsoft Office application – especially MS Word. You will be interrupted frequently – ranging from people wondering why the computer is only typing in uppercase letters (accidentally Cap Lock) to more serious problems like a virus that infects the entire computer network could be infected unless there is a conversation.

A computer lab assistant is a great job if you are more computer literate than your classmates and want to get your work done while getting paid. And if you’ve done your homework – head over to and buy yourself something with the money you earn< /a> !

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