Coppertone Endless Summer Sunless Tanning Gradual Tan Moisturizing Lotion

I’m usually so easy on my arms, stomach, back, mouth and …. and that’s it. No matter how many hours I spend in the sun, my legs will remain a few shades lighter than the rest of my body.

A long time ago, as a teenager, I decided that as an alternative to getting a solution for pale legs, to match the rest of my tan body, I would like to use

I laughed and said: No way!

She persisted though and some to show me her legs. Her legs were usually pale like mine, and when she saw the golden touch as she went to kiss him, she was intrigued.

I grabbed the bottle and started reading the promises of sunless tanning. The bottle itself claimed to create a gradual tang lotion that matched my skin tone, giving it a natural sun-kissed glow. No streaks of orange, and that the color change was subtle, and not rude.

It sounded good, but what was the point of trying to do it one time if it would take multiple applications, which could take several days.

I put something down anyway, and picked up a bottle for myself while we were out shopping. The bottle comes with 9 ounces of polish and comes in a glittery gold colored pump bottle package.

I’m not going to lie and say this smells unscented, because it isn’t. It has that tan in the can smell like we all know gals. It does not have a pleasant smell, nor does it break the bowels. I could do without the smell though.

I started applying the lotion every day, sometimes 2 or 3 times a day, and I can report to you all that it actually works. It works slowly, and my results didn’t really show up until about week 2. By then, my feet had gotten 3 shades darker than they were before. Best of all though, there were no orange streaks, no black spots or anything else like that. The color was correct. It looked like natural as normal skin.

In addition to the new skin color, the face was also clear. I used the lotion sparingly every other day, unless I was afraid it would break out, but not so; and let the ointment burst into my mouth.

The only flipside of Coppertone Infinite Summer Self Tanning Gradual Tan Moisturizing Lotion is that if you pour your face on a white towel and wipe it off, you can stain the towel. Otherwise, this lotion is awesome, and one of my personal skin care favorites.

I must give it, and I give forks with Coppertone. They just come in time to fall on my oompa loompa rubber feet.

Pricing and availability:

You can buy a bottle of this sunless-tanning-lotion at any local supermarket. The price is around $6.99 at Walmart. You can purchase the item online for about the same price.


I recommend this to anyone looking for a few shades of color. The result is pure, clean, and natural. *Avoid using too much on the knees and elbows.

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