Creative Writing – Finding Your Topic

You are ready to write and there you sit. Pen in hand, blank paper before you (or blank computer screen) and nothing in your head but jumbled thoughts. Finding a good topic on which to write can be tough. If you choose a topic that is too broad you will either not cover it well enough or you will be writing forever! If you choose one that is too narrow, you won’t have enough content to write anything really well. You need to find that space in between and this lesson will show you just how to do that.

The first thing you need before going any farther is an “Ideas” notebook. I actually have several. I like the reporter’s notebook type. They are long and slender and you can pick them up in any office supply. I keep one in my car, one by my bed, one in my purse and one in my laptop case. I also have a pen that is assigned to each notebook and they are used for nothing else (no, I am not crazy, but if you knew my household you would know that pens have a very short life around there. They grow legs and just walk away!).

Keep your ideas book and pen with you and any time you have an idea, no matter how silly or crazy it sounds, write it down. Write words, phrases, sentences, whatever hits you. No one else has to ever see it, but you will likely return to it again and again. You may not use the exact thought or phrase, but you may draw something from it. Never discount an idea for its potential as a good writing topic.

Topics and Sub Topics

When you first begin looking at information and deciding on your topic, make a list of large or broad topics. These would be topics such as dogs, pets, food, war, politics, families, you get the idea. Write these down on a sheet of paper. If you have some index cards, write one topic at the top of each index card.

Sub topics narrow your information and pull it more into something more manageable. If you chose the topic dogs, you may want to talk about a specific breed, how to show a dog, how to housebreak a dog, what dogs make the best family pets or even compare and contrast dog ownership as opposed to cat ownership. The possibilities are endless!

On your dog index card, begin listing your sub topics. If you find one sub topic that still seems a little too broad, you can narrow even further. You may even want to file your index cards and keep them for future projects. You should also keep in mind the length of your paper. For instance, if you want to compare and contrast dog ownership to cat ownership, you may have some difficulty if your word limit is just 500 words. On the other hand, writing about one specific breed may give you some problems if you need to stretch it out to 1,000 words (and not ramble). These are all things that you need to consider.


If you have not been given a topic on which to write, then probably the most simple way to find a topic is to brainstorm. List some topics that interest you. It doesn’t matter if you know anything about it or not. If you are interested in it, it is a possibility for a writing topic. Leave some room under each topic to create “sub topics.” These sub topics will draw in the focus of your paper to something manageable. Suppose you wanted to write about the Civil Rights Movement. A sub topic could be Dr. Martin Luther King. If your topic was dogs your sub topic could be the best family dogs or how to housebreak your dog.

After you brainstorm, settle on three to five topics and do a little research. Make notes and you will see your paper evolve

Where to Find Good Writing Topics lists several of their most searched terms. This could be a way to start.

If you go to Associated Content or HubPages, that are listed in your links, you will see on their home pages the most popular articles on their site. These could be great prompts.

Other creative writing topics can come from your favorite book (Romeo and Juliet – What would a boy and girl do in this day and time.) You can also check magazine articles, newspaper articles and things that you see on TV.

Your favorite songs can prompt some topics. Song titles and the lyrics can inspire you to write about some aspect of the song. Poetry and books can also be fantastic places to find writing topics.

Children’s books and nursery rhymes can be very good inspiration for writing topics. For instance, the nursery rhyme Jack be nimble. Jack be quick. Jack jump over the candlestick. You can talk about children, how active they are, how they seem impervious to the dangers of adulthood, such as gravity and getting burned by that candle. Is this due to the innocence of a child? Is it due to the fact that children are more resilient than adults and are less susceptible to the “sensible” suggestions we achieve once we mature? You can take this one little, silly nursery rhyme in several intriguing directions.

The point is, there are many opportunities to find good topics.


Doing research can lead to some very interesting topics. If you are in school, you may have to do research for another subject such as geography, science or history. Each of these subjects has very interesting topic potentials. As you research for your assignments, keep your ideas notebook close by to jot down anything that strikes your fancy.

A research project on bacteria can lead to paper topics about good bacteria in the body, harmful bacteria, the life of bacteria and how antibiotics can become ineffective in fighting harmful bacteria. A History research project about World War II can lead to paper topics about the holocaust, Nazism, various battles, the atomic bomb and Pearl Harbor.

You are likely to find that the more you learn, the more you want to know. As you research you will find topics that are interesting and you will want to learn more. This not only makes your research project more interesting and productive as well as finding great paper topics, it also expands your knowledge and exposes you to new ideas.

Sleep on It: Using Your Dreams

Many people keep a notebook next to their bed to record their dreams, and with good reason. You dreams can become great topics for writing papers or stories. The key to remembering your dreams is, upon awakening, lie still. Don’t turn over or move, just lie still and try to recall your dreams. When you remember them, write them down or record them immediately.

Studies have shown that the more you move around after waking, the more vague your dreams become and you eventually forget them completely. Lying still and making a conscious effort to recall your dreams gives you a chance to remember and record. At first, there may be times when you forget to lie still or you may remember only snippets of your dream, but as you condition and train yourself to recall your dreams, it will become second nature.

You can use your actual dreams, the emotions from your dreams and even characters in your dreams.

Write From Within

Explore your feeling and things that happen your life. Many of these things can be turned into great paper topics. If you journal, keep a diary or write a blog, you can use this to create paper topics. Write about your feelings, your reactions to things happening in your life and in the world.

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