Cyclamen: How to Grow and Maintain

These bulbous plants are native to the base of the Himalayas where they cool in summer. The original species have small rounded leaves, and the sporadic flowers have small hems to the sides. These species have been hybridized to the point where the leaves and flowers are large and the plant gives a spectacular display of color all winter long in the light of the house. Like all flowering, cyclamen need a lot of light throughout the day or in the morning direct sun before 11 a.m. or late afternoon. direct sunlight after 3 p.m. to continue the supply of flowers.

Unlike the spring-flower bulbs that only flower for several weeks, the cyclamen will continue to send out all the buds. over time, while the light is bright and the plant has the right amount of water and a good supply of fertilizer to give it what it needs to build new flowers. This flower cycle is usually September through May, but many plant lovers will have a blooming season that lasts through the summer.

Cyclamen has an annual cycle like any other bulb plant, but it has the longest flower cycle of all bulb plants. When you first bring a new plant that has many flowers and buds, look at the season, how the flowers are structured and how the stems come out from the center of the leaves to the top of the bulb that is under the surface. knowledge It is very important not to pour water into the center where the leaves come out, because that can often lead to a fungus that can rot the bulb. Add warm water around the outside of the leaves to the tops of the pot. I would never recommend watering a plant from the bottom and allowing the pot to sit in water. This can also lead to root rot and destroy the plant very quickly.

I have been in tropical greenhouses for over 37 years and Cyclamen are one of my favorite plants because of the beauty it exhibits all winter long. If you give it a little care every week, these plants will give you plenty of beautiful and colorful flowers all winter long long

These are the particulars that cyclamines must perform very well;


Give sera a drink of warm water when the surface becomes a little dry. I don’t like water too much. Fill the whole pot until the water comes to the top of the lip and boil again until the bottom is about 1/4 inch for four inch pots and 1/2 inch for six inch pots. Never water your plant until the water runs off the bottom. These lichens soil and extract important nutrients from the plant to continue blooming. Be sure to check the plant every day for the first few weeks to ensure the plant is getting the correct amount of water. Always remove any plate or plastic pot cover that comes with the plant. Often in a slightly larger green or black ceramic pot that completely covers the plastic. I recommend using a ceramic pot that has a drainage hole at the bottom so the plant doesn’t sit in water. Sometimes we use a metal or ceramic pot that doesn’t have a hole, and a 1/2 inch layer of small gravel at the bottom. It will keep excess water from the roots, and can add some moisture around the lower leaves. Just be sure to stop often to make sure the water level never goes over the top of the stone.


It is important that these plants receive the right amount of light so that they can use the nutrients in the soil to build new leaves and flowers continuously. These plants will not bloom as profusely if in lower light levels. Most of these plants come with a care tag on the pot that gives basic general instructions. I have read these tags that say moderate to low light, but never in all the years of growing these plants, I have never seen them do well in medium light. (To understand the degree or light according to which the plant needs, the article “Growing Houseplants according to the needs of the plants. It needs all the light, since the days are short and there is hardly any sunlight.


Most people don’t understand that the plant in the soil quickly uses up nutrients during the flowering cycle, and these nutrients must be replaced by the plant to produce various machinery. It is important to give a very weak solution of high phosphorus fertilizer, which has a higher mean number on the label. All plants use phosphorus to build cells that make strong systems and flowers. A flower plant
a flower with a root system fills the pot and forces it into a cycle of reproduction. After all, this is about the flower. When a new plant arrives at your home. it is in full bloom because it has spent the last 13 months growing and developing to this point. Our goal is to continue this flower, or the pod will begin to sow.

Start using a weak solution of water soluble fertilizer about three weeks after the plant is purchased and continue until the end. the ninth of April If done right, your grass will give you color and beauty all winter long.


With proper light and water, keeping the plant looking its best is as important as fertilizing. The plant sometimes turns yellow on some of its leaves. Leaves that are torn, yellowed, or spotted should be removed. When fertilized, the plant will grow more leaves to replace the ones it loses. As the flowers pass, the color will begin to fade and the center to the base of the flower will darken from top to bottom. Transfer these stems to the base of the bulb. More flowers as the old ones continue to pant. If it is left on the plant, the small round pod the seed will rise and the plant will not produce as many flowers as there is energy. production of seed in canaliculi.

For the adventurous indoor gardener, allowing at least one flower to produce a vase is a challenge for the plant to grow to maturity. . It is possible for one flower to make seed when it is towards the end of the flower cycle in March. From seed, it takes about 13 months for the plant to mature enough to produce flowers. Strong patience is the key to this way of reproducing your plants.

I said earlier that plants were first found at the foot of the Hi-aya Mountains where summer temperatures cool. So the plant needs cooler temperatures to thrive. Fertility is not as important to the plant as temperature. The plant will be in the warmest places and you can wake up the plant with the leaves and flowering stems falling around the pot. After the plant is placed in a cooler location, it will harvest again, but some leaf and flower loss usually occurs. The best environments are between 55-55 degrees at night to 75-80 degrees during the day. You often want the plant above 80 degrees.

Cold air from drafty windows is also a cause for concern. Too much cold air will kill the plant very quickly. If you are purchasing a plant when outside temperatures are below 50 degrees, be sure to place the plant in a paper bag, not plastic, rather than an outdoor one against the cold air. Plastic transfers the cold very quickly to the leaves of the plant. Too often people come to me with a dead plant they bought the day before. As soon as you tell me your plant has left it bare, I say that it is what has died out. Too often people have left their plant in the car when the temperature is below freezing for a short time of up to 10 minutes only to wake up the plant dead the next day. Remember these extreme temperatures will kill bare plants.


If the plant needs all the light, proper water, and continuous fertilizer, it will continue to grow for a long time. If the conditions are what the plant likes, this cycle can last through the summer. As with all bulb species, the plants must renew over time, having used so much energy to produce flowers for several months. Because cyclamen are cold-hardy plants, summer is the best time to let the plant rest and replenish the bulb with nutrients. If the plant is fertilized (I will use the name fertilizer instead of that plant food because this is a big difference in the nutrients for the plant, see ” Fertilizer versus Plant Food”) needs to meet it, then the plant will spend the warm months rebuilding leaves and flowers in the next blooming cycle.

This time allows all the top growth to die off, and by giving the plant less water until all the top growth is dead. Place the plant in a cool, dark area – often place a potted bulb in the summer room. Leave the plant in its pot and water only once a month to keep the root system alive. Do not allow the soil to dry out completely.


After the plant has rested for three to four months, it is time to transplant it into a slightly larger pot. If you go for too big plants, you will spend all your time filling the pot with roots. Be sure to use potting soil with a full fistful and not tightly packed. The ball of soil will fall apart as soon as you open your fist but the water does not sit on the pot. I water A good planting medium is extremely important to the health of all potted plants.

After it has been reported, place the plant in good light and water. Allow the surface to dry a little before watering again. When new growth appears, fertilization begins and the cycle will begin again.

As mentioned, some people allow their plants to bloom continuously throughout the year. This will shorten the life span of the plant and once it shows signs of dying again after years of flowering, it cannot revive and die.

Here are some trouble signs to watch out for with Cyclamen:

Flower leaves

All send out leaves as they grow old and the plant in the new, so that those that pay succeed. But if the plant has leaves quickly and frequently turning yellow, it is definitely bad. It can be any of several things that cause this: too much water, too little water (usually with scorching), hot temperatures (the leaves turn yellow after the plant pulls itself up), too much algae usually causes heat; either exposure to cold (this will quickly kill the plant), or a combination of two or more of the above. The closer the plant needs to thrive, the better it will grow and bloom.

If the leaves develop brown spots on the leaves, this is a sign of too much water. If the yellow spots are surrounded, this is a sign that the salt cough is caused by improper fertilization. If holes appear somewhere in the leaves, a little bug is the way to heavenly happiness.

The cyclamen mite is one of the few insects that threaten the life of cyclamen. The cluster in the center of the plant makes the growth small and very yellow. Most insecticides have little effect on small cyclamen and I usually recommend spraying the plant but not on the compost because the insects will make it through Winter and finish in your garden. Cyclamen mites will also attack African violets.

If you would like more information about your plants and how to allow them to thrive in your indoor conditions, please write to me through this site.

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