Have you always wanted to be a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader? Do you think you have the right stuff? Well if so then prepare for the tryouts which start on May 10th. Here is some information about the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader Tryouts. Remember that being a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader is a privilege, not full time. Most Dallas Cowboys Coaches also have other jobs and treat them as part-time positions.
Tryout Dates: There are several dates that are important, tryouts on each day begin at 8 am according to the Dallas Cowboys Found on the Website. May 10th is your first step, and that is the preliminary qualification. If you make it through the preliminaries on May 10th, you’ll be back on May 11th for the semi-finals. After you make it through the semi-finals to be a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader, the next step is personal interviews on May 23rd. The dance competition is the last if you make it this far and will be held on May 24th.
Age Requirements; You are at least 18 old for the preliminaries, not the finals. You just have to be 18 years or older to try it out on May 10th. You will also need your driver’s license or passport to verify your identity and age on the premises.
Education Requirements: You must either have graduated from high school with a diploma or have a G.E.D.
Location Requirements: You must live in the greater Dallas/Ft. It is important to have an area and reliable transfers so that you can attend to all the tricks and tricks.
Where are tryouts held?: Auditions are held at Texas Stadium in the Stadium Club. This is located at gate 1
What will you need for tryouts as far as clothing?: do you need to wear warm pants and dance or gym? top. Tops are not allowed.
What are the judges looking for?: Well of course they will be looking for the ability to dance/aquatic routines. Along with that, they will be looking for personality, energy, vibe, and your figure is also a factor. Remember that the Dallas Cowboys don’t have a height or weight requirement, but a good looking balance requirement for cheerleaders. The physical skills the judges are looking for include the ability to perform kicks and splits.
What happens if I do an on-stage interview?: You will have a personal interview with the judges at Valley Ranch. If you make it through the interview, you will make it to the finals.
What happens in the finals?: In the finals two tests will be given. One witness will be writing about the organization of the Dallas Cowboys, the officers in the Dallas Cowboys, the history of the organization, cheerleaders and the NFL. You will also be given an oral exam to test your football knowledge. You should know the game to become a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader.
After the tests, you will be given 90 seconds to present your personal talent. You must provide your own music for this presentation. Finally, you will present the dance and kicks that you are taught on the back of the call. After this, the judges will decide.
What is expected of me if I become a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader?: Attend all Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader rehearsals, which are held weekdays from 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm. You will also be expected to participate in public events. Some of these will be for charity, others will be given for appearances. As a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader you are likely to receive a fan email and are expected to respond to it. Other activities you can participate in as a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader include children’s camps, dance classes and media conferences. .
How do I get started?: Visit www.dallascowboys.com/cheerleaders/auditions and submit an application. Fill it out and send it along with a check for $25 as the application fee and a photo of yourself. Please note that this photo is for identification purposes only, but will not be returned.
Good luck with becoming a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader.
Dallas Cowboys Found. “Auditions”.
URL: http://dallascowboys.com/cheerleaders/auditions.cfm