What is the difference between blood and plasma donation???
Donating whole blood is different because they take everything, which increases a lot of the time it takes to donate again. With donating plasma this is not the case. The plasma itself is inside the blood and can be completely separated from it then the blood can be returned to the donor. Now that plasma regenerates faster than whole blood, you can donate plasma up to twice a week and get paid more often. do.
My blood is returned ???? How did this happen???
When you are hooked up to the machine the plasma donating machine hook up your first blood will draw it into a central chamber that carries enough to separate the plasma from the blood. Once enough plasma is collected, the plasma is separated from the blood and drops into a separate space in the machine. then sent out of the machine into a donation bottle. But when all the plasma has come out of the blood, the blood is now returned to the donor, and in most cases, there is no pain at all. Depending on your weight and how much plasma they take, it could take anywhere from 3 to 5 cycles for the machine to need all the plasma.
Why did I get paid to donate plasma???
Plasma itself cannot be recreated in any synthetic form. This is the only way to get plasma and the medicine that comes from it, from human donors like you.
How much should a donation be paid???
In Dallas as of Sunday, October 8, 2006, you can find 2 separate donation companies.
ZLB Plasma
ZLB pays 30$ for the first 2 donations and after that it depends on your weight. The lowest weight category receives 20 individual donations after the first 2 monthly donations, if you donate eight times in one month.
Grifolds (Biomat USA);
Grifolds now pays 40$ for the first 2 donations and after that it depends on your weight. Again, the lowest weight category receives $20 each donation with a bonus for donating 8 times a month, which includes a monthly raffle of $100.
Where can I find a donation clinic in Dallas???
ZLB Plasma
ZLB Plasma is located in south Dallas on Lake June Road. Anyone in Dallas knows about the West End Station, just take the 165 bus from the West End and it’s right at the clinic. Public address and info is…
10121 Lake June Road, Suite 503
Dallas, Texas 75217
United States
Place of Hours
Mon 7:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Thu, Wed 8:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Thu 7:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Sat 8:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Sat 7:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Sunday Closed
Telephone number
Grifolds (Biomat USA)
Grifolds is located in a small shopping center on the corner of Gus Thomasson and Ferguson Road. You can reach Grifolds by bus 124 outbound from downtown Dallas. Public address and info is…
2580 Gus Thomasson Road
Dallas TX 75228
Call the room of the hour.
What do we need to donate???
You must be healthy with no blood diseases at all and no recent tattoos or piercings. Every clinic gives you the first body you give and they ask a lot of questions about your health. A urine sample for test health and protein mass, not fat. Every donation as soon as possible you should pass a small screening, blood pressure, take temperature and weight.
In addition to the physical requirements you must live in the local area of the clinic as proof of residence is required. You need a photo ID, SS envelope and a recent US post office stamped envelope sent to you within the last 30 days in both no Don’t waste time and go down without all these.
How long will it take me to donate my plasma???
It all depends on the amount of people who are waiting in front of you, usually 2/3 hours max. Your first visit may take longer due to physical.
How to donate plasma ???
You need to eat well before and after each donation and also drink a lot of water. Try to stay away from soda and coffee, H20 is best when eating well. You should eat a good meal 2 hours before each donation and the more water you drink the faster your donation. I will go to your bed once. In your first donation you need to make sure that you eat well the night before, because your body is used to low plasma, some people get through this more than others.
How to pay??? Immediately ???
Yes!!! Both will give you no return once you get out of the donation bed. ZLB cash machine that pays you and Grifolds cash drawer.
In the end…
When you donate plasma, you help others and yourself. If you need extra money, extra time or maybe you want to help others; Donating plasma is a great way to do that. These 2 donation clinics are just some of the things that are in the dallas, you can have more of their surrounding areas. ZLB Plasma & Grifolds web links
below for a larger donation in the Texas area and beyond. well and drink a lot of water before and after each and every donation and you must be well each and every one. every time he donates plasma.