Dangers of Cooking Food in Microwave Ovens

New research confirms that microwaving vegetables destroys as much as 97 percent of the antioxidants, vitamins and other important phytochemicals, which are the core reason for eating vegetables in the first place. Blasting them with microwave radiation destroys most, if not all, of the cancer-fighting, immune-strengthening, health-protective qualities of these foods. Microwaved food is dead food. In which case, you may as well be eating canned soup or other forms of dead food. Healthy food is food that still has its nutritional value intact, such as steamed or raw vegetables. The less you cook foods and the less they’re processed, the healthier they are.

Interestingly, simply standing in front of a microwave is highly damaging to your health. We know that cells explode in the microwave. If you don’t believe me, try frying an egg in your microwave. We are made up of trillions of cells. So, consider how many are getting damaged if you stand in front of your microwave for 5 to 10 minutes.

Microwaves force molecules hit by them to reverse polarity one to billions of times per second. This form of radiation is unsafe even in milliwatts. Especially sensitive is the oxygen in the water molecule–which, by the way, makes up 80 percent of the human body. Microwave radiation damages cell membranes and compels anaerobic metabolism, producing H2O2 and CO (carbon monoxide) — just like a cancer cell. Microwaves also increase acidity, upset cell divisions, suppress immunity, and change oxidation to fermentation–a breeding ground for cancer.

Supporting Studies
Two notable figures in the study of microwaved foods are Blanc and Hertel, a former Swiss food scientist and a biochemist, whose research concluded that after eating microwaved food, hemoglobin levels decrease, cholesterol increases, white blood cell count increases, red blood cell count decreases and radiolytic compounds (unknown in nature) are produced in the blood.

Since 1957, the Russians have also performed extensive experiments with microwave ovens at the Institute of Radio Technology. According to a 1998 report published in the “Journal of Natural Science”, the following effects of microwaving foods were observed by the Russian forensic teams:
* Heating prepared meats in a microwave created a known cancer-causing agent, while destabilizing active protein compounds and producing a binding effect to radioactivity in the atmosphere.
* Microwaving milk and cereal grains created numerous cancer-causing agents within protein compounds.
* Thawing frozen fruits in a microwave caused alteration in the catabolic behavior of sugar complexes.
* Even very short periods of exposure altered plant alkaloids in raw, cooked or frozen vegetables.
* Cancer-causing free radicals were formed within certain trace-mineral molecular formations in plant substances, especially in raw root vegetables.
* Ingestion of microwaved foods caused a higher percentage of cancerous cells in the blood.
* Chemical alterations within food substances resulted in malfunctions in the lymphatic system and impairment of the immune system’s capacity to protect itself against cancerous growth.
* Eating microwaved foods led to disorders in the digestive system, increased the incidence of stomach and intestinal cancers and caused a gradual breakdown of digestive and excretory system function.
* Microwave exposure caused significant decreases in the nutritional value of all foods studied, particularly:
reduced bioavailability of B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, essential minerals and fatty acids.
* Microwaving destroyed all of the nutritional value of proteins in meats, and lowered the metabolic activity all basic plant substances in fruits and vegetables.
As a result of these findings, microwave ovens were banned in Russia in 1976; however, the ban was lifted years later under new leadership.

Irradiation vs. Microwaving
It is important to note that irradiating is not the same as microwaving, but they are similar in that both use unnatural frequencies to alter food. The Cornell University in 1977 irradiated some sugar and fed it to rats. The type of cell damage shown on postmortem was the same as if the rats themselves had been irradiated! Other studies have confirmed what safe-food advocates have known for more than thirty years–exposing food to ionizing radiation can lead to the formation of bizarre new chemicals called “unique radiolytic products” that can damage DNA and cause serious health problems. One such chemical, known as 2-DCB, caused “significant DNA damage” in the colons of rats that ate the substance. The chemical, which ironically is a well-known “marker” for determining whether food has been irradiated, has never been found naturally in any food on earth.

Don’t microwave food or beverages unless you absolutely must. Never microwave baby formula or breast milk for an infant! Break the habit of relying on the convenience of microwaved cooking. Allow yourself more time to prepare meals if need be, or adopt a healthier diet that includes more raw fruits and vegetables and less processed foods. The information presented here is factual. Now you know, so do the right thing with this information–protect your health.

Anti-aging Manual: The Encyclopedia of Natural Health; Joseph B. Marion; 2005

Options: The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book; Richard Walters; 1993

The Hundred Year Lie; Randall Fitzgerald; 2006

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