Debate Topics for College or High School Students

Are you searching for things to debate about? Are you needing topic ideas for a debate class? Are you a high school or college student in need of suggestions for an upcoming debate? Below are a few controversial debate topics to select from.

College / High School Debate Topic #1: Should severely disabled parents not be allowed to visit their children?

This is a topic moms across the country are very passionate about. Debate team members may argue that all children need to know their mother/father as long as they are not abusive. They might also emphasize that it is a human right.

One case to use is the debate is the Abbie Dorn case. Abbie Dorn was a thirty-something, attractive wife and chiropractor in California. She and her husband were thrilled to conceive triplets. However, during the delivery, a doctor nicked her uterus, causing her to lose a lot of blood. The blood loss resulted in severe brain damage. Her husband divorced her, and began raising the triplets on his own. He refuses to allow the triplets to know and interact with their mother. For more insight on this case, read “One Mom’s Thoughts on the Abbie Dorn Case: Is Don Dorn’s Behavior Inethical?” (There are several articles on the story listed at the bottom.) You might also check out “An Open Letter to Don Dorn.” It could also be helpful to read “Should Dan Dorn Receive Child Support?”

College / High School Debate Topic #2: Should schools be allowed to drug test athletes?

This is a popular topic. Google “drug test high school athletes” and you’ll find a lot of discussion on this. Supporters could argue it would prevent athletes from using steroids and other illegal drugs. Those opposed to it might emphasize that it is a violation of privacy.

College / High School Debate Topic #3: Is it rude for Facebook friends to hide other Facebook friends?

This is more of a lighthearted topic. It would make for a very interesting debate. Some people might argue that no, it is not rude. (After all many people have friends on Facebook they hardly know.) Others might say it is not very friendly, especially if it is someone related to you. For some more insight on this issue, read “Is it Rude to Hide Someone on Facebook?”

College / High School Debate Topic #4: Should teenagers be sentenced to life without parole?

Another hot debate topic to consider is to discuss the juvenile justice system. You can debate whether or not the life without parole sentence is fair for juveniles. Read “Juveniles Sentenced to Life Without Parole: Three Women in Prison” for additional information.

College / High School Debate Topic #5: Should schools have daycare programs for the babies of teens?

There are many high schools across the country which offer daycare, sometimes for free, for the kids of high school students. Google “day cares at high schools” and you’ll find alot of information on this topic. One of the pros are that it helps teen moms to be able to graduate high school. One of the cons is that it might promote teenage pregnancy.

These are just five topics for a high school or college debate team. Happy Debating!


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