DHS Debunks Monster of Montauk Mystery

The director of the Plum Island Animal Disease Center today issued an ambiguous denial that the Montauk Monster came from the facility.

As the Montauk Monster is the hottest topic on Google Trends for the second day running, Content Associate called the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which jointly operate the facility, in response to the constant speculation. that Montauk Monster is a USDA property. As reported yesterday in Associated Content, the USDA Plum Island Animal Disease Center is located not far from where the Montauk Monster washed up. the beach

The nearby Plum Island facility and the site of the discovery of the Montauk Monster have fueled speculation that the Montauk Monster is USDA property and could have been an experiment gone wrong or due to improper handling of the work.

Dr. Larry Barrett, Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC) Director, responded to the flood of media inquiries about the Montauk Monster, issuing these words:

“It is impossible to accurately identify the species of an animal from a photo. There is no scale from which to judge its size. Additionally, when the body has been exposed to water and predators for a long time, it can be altered or appear different from its normal state. If we had the body itself, we would tell you what it is; labor at the Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC) for livestock diseases, identifying such diseases through diagnostic testing and promoting vaccines to protect livestock from those diseases.

Sandy Miller-Hays, USDA, said that even the most famous creature, the Montauk Monster, came from Plum Island. He said that there was an “animal” research, cows, pigs and sometimes sheep, used for foot and mouth research. disease Plum Island work is critical, Hays-Miller said, because the rules would prevent the United States from exporting any of the produce. of transporting the animal for a whole year, if an outbreak of foot and mouth disease were to occur here. Emphasizing the impossibility of the Montauk Monster being a USDA property derived from Plum Island, Hays-Miller noted that all of the Plum Island research subjects were euthanized and incinerated once the research was complete.

Security at the facility is so tight that researchers entering and exiting the building strip naked and enter through the turnstile one way, then in the other side with clothes readily available. Also, the jewelry and contact lenses should be removed during this process.

Yesterday’s Associated Content article erred in stating that Plum Island was a 4-faciltiy field; in fact 3-ag equals and is not responsible for investigating zoonotic diseases as stated in yesterday’s section. The West Nile virus West-nile-virus facility has been limited in operation, but only for possible transmission between livestock. .

With the edict of Dr. Barrett’s publication, and information provided by Miller-Hays, seems to have dispelled the mystery surrounding the Montauk Monster. No foreigners, no experiments in left-wing government, and no deviant public arts. The only unfortunate animal that met its doom.

Sources: interviews and correspondence with USDA and DHS officials

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