Documentary Review: Fat Head: The Movie

In a direct response to Super Size Me and the ridiculous assumptions of eating whatever you want in whatever quantity you want, Tim Naughton shows you how to eat healthy, lose weight and knock back skeptics with junk food.

Ever watch that Super Size Me documentary from Morgan Spurlock? Well I don’t have it and I don’t care, I think it’s funny that someone eats 5000 calories a day and wonder why . Of course, what is superfluous is bad for you, but it is worse to publish a documentary about what is worse, and one that is built on falsehoods.

Tom Naughton’s ridiculous assumptions not only Morgan Spurlock and his documentaries, but many conventions of medical wisdom calculations and weight loss with skill and with the zeal of the same month’s long eating fast. He also uses real medical expertise, research and careful medical planning to explain his journey to better health using fast food in the documentary Fat Head.

Tom Naughton consulted a doctor, always good on diet or weight loss plan or exercising. for a month they eat fast food, they go mad. But in a month, exactly 28 days, he lost 12 pounds and he lowered his cholesterol both on the diet. because most doctors swear they cannot do this.

Fat Head uncovers some of the possible contradictions in our beliefs about health and nutrition and looks at the head of the matter and advice from experts in the field of medicine and nutrition. I like to keep an open mind, but some of the things that have been coming to light lately surprise me.

There are studies coming out about CDC, health and nutrition and also low fat cosmetics that worry me and more information is missing. I found one good example that led me to others; Our government wants us to believe that our bad cholesterol is good for us and our heart.

However, several studies have shown that cholesterol does not have the effect on heart disease that our government thought. The popular idea that lowering cholesterol is better for us is being looked at in new ways and facts coming to light like the population of people with low cholesterol who have heart disease, even with higher cholesterol patients.

A good example given in the movie about fats and low diets is supposed to be because the government wants us to do bad things to us. and low fat diets are good. However, those who get heart diseases, heart attacksheart and strokes, which are in low-fat diets, are neglected. leadership studies and uses

I did a little research on my own and found many recent studies and news reports talking about low pat diets heart disease and cancer not letting up, the government still emphasizes the importance of low-fat foods. I also get this from my doctor and nutritionist at the Veterans Hospital; I will let go of my worries and eat less fat to become healthy. But is it good or just adding to the government’s agricultural system, so that I eat more agricultural products?

Tom Naughton makes some good points about our health and government as well as points in the documentary Super Size Me Made. but diet and nourishment is very changeable, and the facts themselves speak. Tom Naughton demonstrated that he lose weight by eating wisely, Morgan Spurlock ate a lot of processed fatty foods and he gained weight. But eating well is a reason for us to sit up and pay attention, or rather, to eating better and exercising well.

It is not surprising here if you can limit the amount of calories, but lose weight but Morgan Spurlock also He did not tell the truth in his documentary. According to the documentary Super Size Me, Morgan consumed nearly 5,000 calories at McDonalds in several meals eating a super size meal with a sandwich, fries and a drink. However, Tom Naughton could not have many calories unless he had two extra desserts for lunch. 5,000 calories a day that Morgan claims.

When Tom asked the editors and other people with the documents made behind the tables connected as eating wood or the tables of the meals consumed they could not produce anything. This is how you can prove by using the facts that you ate what you said you did and gained weight you got the facts on paper to show to whoever asks .

Documents that include things like eating food at restaurants and eating food can be very unhealthy. that he should repeat his affairs openly. Tom Naughton talked to several of his experts, doctors and nutritionists, to recall his facts and get the results whether he wanted the facts to be true or not.

According to Tom Naughton documents and consulted several dieticians and doctors losing weight is as simple as lowering calories but also giving up carbohydrates and getting exercise. Our government doesn’t like to hear this because of the big agricultural businesses built up in America over the years.

Apart from the issues of losing weight in low carb diet eating in fast food articles are also discussed. sugar is our enemy, not our friend. Eating all those high sugar foods also messes up our metabolism and many of the doctors I spoke to agree that diets that are low in processed sugars like fructose and sucrose are better for you.

One of the biggest things about the obesity epidemic is that we believe what our government tells us to do. Walk a man or in the park and see what they are talking about, is America fatter or more we see more from. it has more interest in the news and less in reality.

They should look at studies to analyze the results but some studies lack enough data and things to really look at pain and health as far as weight. Comparison of weight and height is a long way to judge whether they are overweight, but many people are now looking for this according to several studies.

Whether you agree or disagree with our government’s treatment of weight concerns, diet and weight loss techniques is not really Tom. Naughton’s goal is to make it clear that you are smart and get the facts. He gives you some alternative facts and medical advice, then tells you to try it yourself, don’t just watch. supposing letters, and believing what they say.

I also agree with you that you have sufficiently explored all these things; Tom’s Fat Head documentary is a good start. Does our government in Bononie feed us a lot?

But first watch the documentary, listen to the man’s story with open ears losing weight and keep it. he saw the wonder on the doctor’s face when he saw him. I was quite skeptical about this document when I started this review but I really like seeing things from different perspectives and fresh eyes. and see that I enjoyed my health with those whole opinions of mine.


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