Does Depression Cause Weight Gain?

A few unexpected extra pounds can make a person feel a little down, but what about the opposite scenario? Can it feel like it’s getting harder to fight the tumor? Eating patterns and habits are closely related to many people, so it is not surprising that emotional factors play an important role in pain. Does depression cause weight gain?

Weight Gain and Depression: Does Depression Cause Weight Gain?

There may be some validity to the belief that weight gain and depression are linked. In a new study, over 5,000 young men and women were followed for the last 20 years to look at the relationship between weight gain and depression.

In a 20 year study all men and women whether depressed or not – put on at least a few pounds, but those who were depressed the most weight< /a> – especially around the face: he was possessed. On the other hand, the opposite was not true. Men and women who had increased weight at the beginning of the study were at no greater risk for decreased weight gain.

Why the Association Between Depression and Weight Gain?

There are many possibilities that depressed people try to relieve their mental pain by eating more. Researchers in this study speculate that the tendency to fat around the chin in depressed people may come from higher levels of cortisol produced. In response to stress.

Cortisol is commonly called the “stress hormone” because it produces large amounts during stressful times. Cortisol levels are associated with abdominal obesity and the accumulation of fat around focus – as well as a decrease in muscle mass and density also raises blood levels, increases blood pressure and lowers immunity. Too much cortisol is not good when it comes to body composition – or overall health.

Elevated cortisol levels also increase appetite to help the body refuel after stressful times, so depressed people with high cortisol levels eat more food – especially high carbohydrate foods.

Reducing the cortisol response

If depression and weight gain are associated with cortisol, it makes sense to try to reduce cortisol levels naturally. One way to do this is through daily physical exercise. High intensity exercise is the best for weight loss, but vigorous exercise and long-term sustained exercise increases cortisol. equals further. The best way to lower cortisol naturally is to take a twenty minute walk – preferably outside in nature. This not only helps to reduce the levels of “stress hormones” and lift the breath, it burns extra calories.

Does Depression Cause Weight Gain?: The Bottom Line

There are still many questions about depression, cortisol, and weight gain that have not been answered, but a daily twenty-minute walk is a good idea for anyone who is depressed or overweight. Talk to your doctor about this.


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