Don’t Drink Your Calories-Soda Pop is Mankind’s Worst Ever Discovery

Perhaps soda pop is the worst human invention ever. Drinking soda pop, especially the caffeinated kind, could kill you, as was recently shown when a man’s death was apparently linked to his overconsumption of diet soda. But most of all, after your health kids’ health can go.

The average teenager consumes about 12.5 teaspoons refined-sugar”>of sugar a day. That works out to be more than what the US government puts people on a daily basis of sugar. Yes, you use soda pop in 1977-78, but in 1994-96, they drank twice as much soda consumption is associated with lower intake of nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Meanwhile, empty calories are all that soda covers, except for acid reflux. Both regular and diet-pop drugs eat away the inner lining of the stomach, eventually causing serious digestive problems. And the average small can of soda can be over 200 calories, none of which provide any real nutrients for your health. If you consume one pop per day, you will gain 12 pounds in just one year. Pop to major health problems, particularly obesity. Such a condition has been proven to be your health in the USDA economic research service. Several of these studies have shown that weight gain is directly related to soft drink consumption. Weight gain is the first risk factor for Type Two diabetes, which can cause blindness, a lifelong cause. paralysis and finally death. It cannot be controlled except through a daily diet or medication regimen. Do you want to live like this? if not, cut back on drinking soda pop.

Also fruit juices and drinks like iced tea, Gatorade, Snapple, and other such common drinks that often have nothing such as the “value” that soda pop is promoted. Check the label before you buy fruit juice. It may contain only 10% real fruit juice. And drinks that claim to contain 100% real fruit have as many calories as soft drinks and they don’t. how strong, or Many fruit juices are simply loaded with sugar, either burnt or barberry. A glass of apple juice holds 10 grams of sugar, as the juice is extracted from a much larger quantity of apples. You are much better off eating one apple and getting a smaller amount of calories and fat instead. The sugar in the apple juice is concentrated, unlike in the original apple, and will raise the level of insulin, making your body superfluous Alcohol is quite dense in calories; One gram of alcohol is worth seven calories. Although the occasional glass of fine vintage red wine is good for your heart, it contains a large amount of alcohol, which is high in calories and not nutritious has And drinking alcohol will not satisfy your body’s hunger cravings, as your body will burn for fuel with alcohol before your body begins to burn fat. So you eat in proportion to your hunger, thus piling on the calories. This is not to mention the fact that alcohol also destroys brain cells and causes a surprising amount of vehicle accidents. and deaths.

It may be that the consumption of soda pop, alcohol and other such empty calories is a problem in America, especially among teenagers and adults. That is why they are trying to remove it from the schools. And when you get older, being overweight can give you coronary heart disease, a stroke from blood clotting building up in your arteries, and canc. Cancer is like being taken away from your body, literally a piece at a time.

He also always brags that a two-ounce soda pop increases the risk of osteoporosis for both men and women when they drink soda pop instead of milk, which is rich in bone-building calcium, and dentists are especially keen on people who don’t drink sugar-laden, no-calcium, hopelessly empty soda pop. Everyone seems to be doing what makes sense, it seems. Dental experts say that if you drink thirst quencher between meals, you tooth decay tooth decay and tooth erosion you take the sugars and acids in the pop.

Some of your cravings pop put you at risk for kidney stones and a slightly higher risk of heart disease. More research needs to be done in these two areas, but a fair degree of documentation has been done by the University of California at Berkeley.

By the same token, caffeine has been proven to be an addictive drug. If you drink a cup of coffee or more per day, day in and day out, you are technically addicted to coffee. It is a stimulant and has been proven to help men’s sex somewhat, but it also increases the excretion of calcium. Other ingredients in soda pop such as Yellow Number Five promote attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in some children. Yellow #5 also induces allergic-reactions like asthma in a significant portion of people.

Soft drinks are the most heavily promoted in all of human history. You can find them at gas stores, 7-11 or AM-PM, vending machines everywhere, and even lining school hallways. Wet work to quench thirst, and the secret reason people are going to come to any barriers. To drink before. But neither soda pop nor booze, just like caffeine and alcohol are drugs.

US companies will spend $700 million or more a year on media advertising for soda pop each year, and hundreds of millions on other promotional activities. They also make agreements with your public school systems to sell soda pop in the halls. But recently parents and educators have unanimously tried to reign in that form of commerce. Several states have banned at least non-alcoholic soft drinks from some or all schools, but that may be more of a step than a step. Cutting calories and diet soda have been proven not to suppress hunger by studies, once again. University of California. Your kids won’t do much better on diet soda, but they’ll certainly be more inclined to eat or drink something else…unless they don’t. Diet sodas are still full of the same acids I mentioned, and they don’t have sugar in them to help with your digestive spasms. They can cause nausea, diarrhea and constipation, not to mention the same allergic reactions, even asthma, like regular soda. Diet soda alone is not an “easy way out.”

However, the Center for Science makes this recommendation to the public: that governments require restaurant chains to declare calories. the content of soft drinks and everything else on menus and tables; The Food and Drug Administration has been told by them to require labels on non-diet soft drinks to say that frequent consumption of sugar-laden drinks can lead to obesity, diabetes, tooth decay, osteoporosis and other health problems; governments must provide water sources in schools, public buildings, parks and other public places; training schools and other institutions, and all those institutions that serve children stop selling soft drinks, candy and junk food in restaurants, shops and canteens.

Until this September, in 2005, there was no hard and clear evidence by science that soda alone can make kids fat. But reporting in The Lancet, a British medical journal, a team of Harvard researchers found the first evidence of an absolute link of soda pop drinking to childhood obesity. Twelve-year-olds who usually drink soft drinks are much more likely to become overweight or obese than those who don’t t.

Obesity experts at Harvard found this to be important and followed the children for 19 months rather than simply following them around for a week or so like many previous studies. Statistically, many similar studies have found that it is more important to use a long-term study than a rare or shorter study. And in this study it was found that school children who drink pop consume about 200 calories per day more than children who do not. It supports the idea that fat is a long-term innate behavior, starting in childhood, and that we do not compensate well for calories in liquid. Finally, water or milk is simply better.

In fact, the answer to this problem is obvious: drink water, and more water. Milk is good, but always remember that food is not good for thirst. Whole milk is extremely high in both fat and calories, easy to milk. Water, on the other hand, has no calories and is what you drink to quench your thirst. At least drink a minimum of six eight ounces of water per day, all the experts who have studied this matter. And water, with no added calories, can take away your extreme hunger and help fill you up. A glass of water is a good time before a large calorie laden meal; it will not slow you down. One tip that works is to always carry a bottle of fresh, clean water with you, and drink from it frequently. This also helps prevent daily dehydration, which can be exacerbated by excess alcohol, soda pop, and coffee or tea, all of which produce thirst.

A small daily consumption of coffee and/or tea is fine, as long as you don’t add lots of sugar to your caffeinated or decaffeinated drink. Both coffee and tea contain antioxidants, which are anti-cancer agents benefiting your overall health. Green tea has been found to have terrific health benefits , less caffeine, and boost your metabolism; it helps you burn fat. You can also drink it before you go to bed, quenching your cravings for that “midnight snack” that makes you want to weight gain . But beware of the “designer drink” you’ll find at Starbuck’s and other such stores that are loaded with large amounts of full-fat milk and sugar. If you must have your puppy, put cinnamon in it, which helps to slow down your absorption of sugar – and which also has no calories and tastes delicious. Add honey, or turbinado sugar, and low-fat milk to your drink.

Although fruit juices are not the best bet for quenching your hunger and thirst, since they contain too high amounts of insulin-stimulating sugars, vegetable juices such as V-8, Welch’s, and Heinz tomato juice are fine when they are both. low in calories and not high in sugar. However, don’t depend too heavily on those that are high in salt content, which again can lead to cravings like soda pop, alcohol and caffeinated drinks. Too high intake salt intake is also associated with major health problems. And you don’t have to substitute “veggie” juices for fresh fruits and vegetables, which contain fibers and other things. nutrients that you will find in the juices from them. For if you eat fruits and vegetables in large quantities, they will help you with the thirst problem and fill you up. you with your own food and nourishment as well. Segment watermelon for pain. Fruits and veggies will help quench your thirst, as well as drinking plenty of water.

But soda pop has been shown to make you thirsty, and that leads to further drinking of it in an attempt to quench your thirst. Something about the chemical compound in many soda pops is drying. So, then, the sodas reach another, and so they are committed to a vicious cycle. And that greatly increases their calorie-intake intake, especially when pop is so over-indulged today, filling bigger and bigger plastic together- serve face bottles. It couldn’t be a bad idea to follow the advice, at least in the bottle. And it would be a better idea to drink either soda pop or alcohol of any kind from a plastic or glass bottle than an aluminum can, as shown in aluminum cans. This may have something to do with Alzheimer’s plaque formation in the human brain, as aluminum is the cause of Alzheimer’s disease, a serious illness that causes people to forget everyone and everything that has any meaning in their lives.

Is it worthy that a child’s drink, which was found as a remedy for snakes in a poor man’s hearth, can cultivate a decoction of boiling chemicals with a good taste of the concoction? He wanted to sell it only in small adults, as a tonic, as it seemed to settle and stimulate people’s stomachs. This is because the original formula of Coke was the main ingredient of cocaine, not caffeine, but eventually cocaine became illegal. Caffeine and alcohol are both highly addictive drugs which are over-promoted beverages. It is not water. Water is good for you, where caffeine and alcohol can harm your body, and ultimately cause long-term health problems leading to great pain and death.

The Coca-Cola Company has finally removed cocaine from its product. Maybe someday we’ll follow suit with alcohol and alcohol. But until that day always comes, we are stuck with having to police ourselves and our children. Please proceed with caution.


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